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When the "thing" is expanded, the density does change because the matter is expanded and given more room, this makes it a lesser density.

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The solid will melt because the particles are moving apart, therefore, you get a liquid.

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10y ago

Look at the definition of density, as mass / volume. If the volume increases, you are dividing by a larger number, so the density gets smaller.

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Q: How does the density of a material change when the material expands?
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Does the density of material change when the material expands?

Ice has expanded when it turned from water into ice. Ice floats. This shows that the density of the ice is less than water.

Does density change when the size of an object changes?

No. A drop of water and a tankerful of it have the same density. But these are two different masses of the same material. If you have, say a piece of metal and heat it up so that it expands, and there is still the same amount of substance, then the density decreases as the substance expands. Water expands as it freezes; that is why ice floats in water.

How does density change as the universe expands?

The density of what? Any metal, liquid, etc. will have the same density since density depends on mass and volume of the sample (not volume of the universe).

How does the density of water change as it expands?

Since "expansion" in this case refers to the increased spacing between molecules, then the density must decrease.

Why is density a characteristic of physical property?

Density. Its considered a physical property because of the amount of mass/volume. Its an intensive physical property because you can measure density of solution without changing its chemical identify, it observable. ... Because a material that expands takes up a larger volume and it density decreases.Dec 10, 2014

What happens to an object's density when it heats up and expands?

The density decreases.

Why can't mass change density?

Mass doesn't change density because density is a qualitative property, meaning it is a quality for material's density, not a measure of how much density in the material. A quality is the same thing as a trait, for instance, pine trees have pine needles, even the little ones, it does not change because they are different sizes because it is a trait for a pine tree to have needles.

How does the temperature of water affect the speed at which an object sinks?

Yes. As water is heated above 4oC it expands. With this change in volume comes a change in density. Less density means less bouyant force on the object in the water.

When a helium balloon rises in the air it expands. If the volume of the balloon doubles what happens to the density of the helium inside it?

The density will be 50 % from the initial value.

When a solid block of materials is cut in half what happens to the density?

The density does not change, as density is the amount of material in a given amount of space. But each piece has the same amount of space and material relative to each other.

Can you change waters density?

The density of liquid water is fairly constant across the range of temperatures. Liquid water is most dense at 4°C. At temperatures below that, water will expand slightly. When water freezes to form ice, it expands. Water vapor (steam) expands when heated.

What does change when the state of matter changes?

Matter changing state is usually a result of the material changing temperature and/or a change in the surrounded pressure on the material. The change of state is usually associated with a change in its density.