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A Thermos, or in its generic name a vacuum bottle, keeps hot drinks hot (or cold drinks cold) by not allowing heat to flow out (or in, as the case may be). That sounds like a stupid answer but it's really the heart of the matter.

Heat flows from hot surfaces to cold ones, and it can do so by three routes; conduction, convection, and radiation. Conduction is the flow of heat through solids. One example of this is that if you held a nail and put one end of it into a candle flame, the other end would rapidly become too hot to hold, even though it isn't in the flame itself. Convection happens when a fluid, such as water or air, is warmed against a hot surface and then flows around until it touches a colder one, cooling itself and warming the cold surface. Radiation occurs when hot atoms emit infrared radiation. The radiation can then "shine" away"from the object, carrying a bit of heat energy with it, thereby making the hot object that little bit cooler.

A vacuum bottle is designed to minimize all three kinds of heat flow. The "guts" of the vacuum bottle is a double-walled container with a vacuum, or in other words no air, between the container's inner wall and outer wall. The inner wall and outer wall don't touch everywhere, only in limited areas such as at the bottle's neck. The inner and outer surfaces are also polished or silver-plated to give them a high shine, like a mirror.

Convection could happen if the hot inner shell of the bottle heated air between the two shells, but there is no air between the shells, so that means of heat flow is eliminated. Heat could and does conduct from the inner shell to the outer shell and thus escape, but because the inner and outer shells only touch each other in very small areas this effect is far, far slower than it would be in ordinary containers. Heat does escape as infrared radiation, but a mirror will reflect infrared the same way it will reflect visible light, so most of the infrared that escapes the inner shell is reflected and sent back inside.

The effect of this is that heat flow still happens, but it is slowed down enough that it takes many hours for coffee inside a vacuum bottle will finally cool down to room temperature.

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Q: How does the layers of a thermos bottle help keep coffee hot?
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Add guide fins to the body of the rocket.

How can you made your own homemade Thermometer?

To make your own homemade thermometer, a person will need a plastic bottle, a clear straw, some putty, water, rubbing alcohol, and food coloring. Fill a quater of the bottle with equal parts water and rubbing alcohol. Add a few drops of food coloring to help see the change in temperature. Place the straw in the bottle and seal the top completely with the putty, making sure the bottom of the straw does not touch the bottom of the bottle. The liquid will rise and fall through the straw when the temperature changes.

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You need to TEASE it. Teasing is a tecnique where you take a small amount of hair and comb it up. You will need small layers. Youtube can help alot.This is gonna show you how to tease it. ~>

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Such experiments help to capture the imagination and interest of children and foster an interest in science. Some of these children may then grow up to become scientists who work toward advancing scientific knowledge and technology.

Does a metal spoon help to cool a cup off a cup of coffee?

Answer #1If the temperature of the spoon is higher than the coffee, the coffee will heat up and the spoon will cool off.If the temperature of the spoon is lower than of the coffee, the coffee will cool off and the spoon will heat up.This is a perfect example of the first law of thermodynamics. The "law of conservation of energy" states that the total amount of energy in an isolated system remains constant; energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only be transformed from one state to another.

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