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Q: How does the sound of a voice contrast with the use of hand motions?
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Related questions

How many hand motions are there in cheerleading?

Cheerleading uses a wide range of body and hand motions. There are likely more than 100 different hand motions and movements used in this popular sport.

What is the name of the poem with oh but for the touch of a hand that is still and the sound of a voice that is silent?

The poem you are referring to is "The Sonnet - but for the touch of a vanished hand, And the sound of a voice that is still" by Lord Alfred Tennyson. It explores themes of loss and mourning for a departed loved one.

What can you use for stop motions?

hand movements or stop signs

What is a four letter word for something involving hand motions?


Do dolphin contact with human?

Humans can 'talk' to dolphins using hand motions or clicking noises. We can train to tell them what to do, by training it as you would a dog, using the clicks or hand motions to get to tell you what to do. Other than that, no.

How do you do communicate with a foreigner who can't speak english?

try and use hand motions.

Does hand have a long a sound?

No. Hand has a short A sound as in can and sand.

Is the a and hand considered a short a sound?

Yes, the "a" in "and" is considered a short a sound. It is pronounced as /æ/ in the International Phonetic Alphabet.

When people are on the same pitch why do they not sound exactly the same?

because one of them might be a girl and one of them might be a boy and males have a much deeper voice then girls and girls on the other hand they sound like alvin and chipmunks when they talk

What transitions show contrast to a preceding statement?

On the other hand.

Does and have a long a sound?

No. The A has a short A sound in "and" as in hand and can.

When was The Sound of One Hand Clapping created?

The Sound of One Hand Clapping was created in 1997.