

How is crystal-meth sold?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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To dealers- ounces. To users- grams, half grams, quarter grams. Seewhere this is going.

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Q: How is crystal-meth sold?
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Is it safe to mix crystalmeth with Klonopin?

No it is dangerous. Using Crystal Meth is dangerous by itself

How long is crystalmeth in bloodstream?

it is in your bloodstream for days. if you use it just once you will have to be sober for at least a week to get it out of your system

How long does it take to get Crystalmeth out of your hair?

well from experience i have found it takes about a day or two depending on the amount that the hair has been exposed to

How does crystalmeth make you lose weight?

Na, not really, it just makes you forget to eat. It's the not eating that makes you lose weight.

Can shooting crystalmeth mess up your menstrual cycle?

That is just a dumb question. Of course it can. If it can alter your complete state of being and keep you up for days why wouldn't it effect the rest of your body.I think this question was a joke.

What is worse smoking or snorting crystalmeth?

Hard to say, ive wondered the same about many drugs. I would say in crystal meths case, there both just as bad. Snorting more likely is worse though

How long does crystalmeth stays in your blood?

It never leaves the system. It stays in your cells and hair. Don't use if you want to be clean. You may not realize this but just looking at you someone can tell you use meth. Testing isn't needed.

What is the worst drug and how does it effect you?

angeldust. it will literally scar your brain after one use. crystalmeth used over time will turn the healthiest person into an empty husk. i would imagine though that any amphetamine would cause the most damage the quickest.

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he Sold the fish for 5$. While others sold it for 50$

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sre sold is present tense and were sold ispast tense

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