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Q: How is energy transferred from one organism to the other?
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How is energy transferred from one organism to other?

by the population

How does energy flow in the food chains?

Energy flows from one organism to another.One organism eats other organism and energy is transferred.

How is energy transferred from one organism to another organism?

Energy is transferred from one organism to another in the form of sugars, which an organism breaks down for energy.

Describe how energy is transferred from one organism to another?

Each time one organism eats another organism, a transfer of energy occurs.

Why is there less energy transferred from one organism to the one that feeds on it?

Each organism uses part of the energy for its own maintenance.

What is the significance of the energy pyramids shape?

To show how energy is transferred from one organism to another.

How energy is transferred one organism to another in an ecosystem?

tell me the anwser

How does atom transfer from one organism to another?

Energy and matter are transferred from one organism to another at the microscopic level.

How is energy transferred from one trophic level to another?

when the organisms eat each other they transfer energy, each time one organism eats another, 10% of it's ( the eaten organism ) energy is tranfered to the eater.

How much energy is transferred from one organism to the next in a food chain or a food web?

10 percent of the suns energy is passed down from each organism. it is passed down by an organism eating another.

Why is there less energy transfered from one organisim to another?

less energy is transferred from one organism to another organism because some of the energy is lost in digesting the food material and to the environment as heat i.e. in keeping the body warm.

Is about half the energy from one level transferred to the next?

No, only about 10-20% of an organism's energy is passed on to the next level of the food chain.