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well with the constitution, them looking on the back, and when ben got the finger prints off the cup during the gala well those would obviosly be chemistry. and all the decrypting, well i guess technically that could be considered a science to.

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Q: How is science used in the movie National Treasure?
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What kind of technologies used in the movie National Treasure?

The two most used technologies in the movie are stunt doubles and a green-screen

Are the glasses on the movie 'National Treasure' real?

They are a movie prop built , and used to explain the story line . They do not exist .

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Silence Dogood was the name he used to write the letters. is that the answer you are looking for

what is the code in natonal treasure?

In the movie "National Treasure," there are various codes and puzzles involved in the plot. However, as an AI text-based model, I cannot provide you with specific codes from the movie. Additionally, it's worth noting that "National Treasure" is a fictional story, and any codes or symbols used in the film are part of the fictional narrative created for entertainment purposes.

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The government offered 10% of the treasure to Ben Gates, he only took 1%. That means Riley got 1/2%, which he used to buy the red Ferarri.

Where does the formal evening take place in the movie national treasure?

Depending on if you are talking about the first National Treasure the National Archives (where you can actually see the declaration) located in Washington DC is the location where Benjamin Gates crashes the formal evening stealing the Declaration of Independence. If you are talking about the second National Treasure film where the president is kidnapped then the location of the formal party is Mount Vernon a former plantation located on the Potomac river where George Washington used to live and is currently interred.

Is the pipe in national treasure a real pipe?

If you mean "could the prop used in the movie function as an actual pipe." it's doubtful. If you mean "Is there really such a pipe," even more doubtful.

Flashlights used on National Treasure II?

They look like M6 Guardian by SureFire.

How did Ben break the keypad code in National Treasure?

He used a blacklight to shine on the keypad. Then, the fingerprints were visible from the last person that used it.

What kinds of mirrors are used in national science center?

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What kind of wallet did Ben Gates use in national treasure?

It was the same wallet used by Abe Lincoln in 1724

What password is used in national treasure?

If this question refers to the password Nicholas Cage used on the keyboard to get into the document room, "Valley Forge" is the password.