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The answer is never. After the cost of manufacturing, hauling, erecting, and maintaining, the wind turbine debacle will cost the tax payers billions, if not trillions of dollars. Not to mention the loss of habitat for the massive concrete slabs and millions per year of bird deaths.

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14y ago

It depends on a lot of things:

1. How big do you want it

2. Who is making it

3. What do you mean by "make", if you are doing it yourself (are you buying a generator, blades, etc, and just putting them together, or are you truly making everything from scratch?)

4. How well do you want it to work?

If you're looking for a ballpark, with this generic of a question, I'd say a few days worth of work to months.

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11y ago

it takes thousands of years to renew.

answer #2

technically wind doesn't exist as a thing. It is the movement of air from one location to another. the difference in pressure between the two areas will determine the speed with which it moves. It doesn't renew, it reoccurs.

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16y ago

it takes a long time

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Q: How long does it take for wind energy to renew?
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What forms of energy is renewable?

The sun, the wind, and the motion of water are resources that renew themselves and are clean.

How long will wind energy be around?

As long as there is an atmosphere and a sun, we will have wind energy.

Is wind energy created by wind tubines?

Energy cannot be created or destroyed. Wind turbines do not create energy. They take energy from the wind and convert it into electrical energy.

How is wind energy easily renewed?

Wind energy is renewed when the wind starts blowing and the turbines start spinning. since wind energy is renewable you don't have to worry about it running out-as long as the wind blows- so as long as the wind blows, wind energy will always be renewed

How long will the wind energy last?

it will last as long as the wind blows or your mom does....

Is wind a renewable resorce?

Of course it is. Wind can renew its self.

What is wind wind energy's weakness?

The problem with wind energy is that it is usually generated via wind turbines. Wind turbines take a lot of energy to make, and unfortunately, it uses more than it will generate in it's lifetime.

How are wind and solar power different from energy sources such as oil and gas?

Oil and gas are non-renewable and produce emissions when burned. Wind and solar power take energy from the wind or sunlight, and will always be available so long as the sun exists. Both have advantages and disadvantages.

Why is solar and wind energy considered an in exhaustible source of energy?

solar: the sun is always shining. wind: the wind will always blow in someplace as long as earth is turning

Do wind turbines take energy out of air?

No. But the probably take energy out of wind. Turbine blades use the effect of drag to produce the energy, so the blades must slow down the wind somewhat. Although it would probably be to small of amount to measure.

Is energy renew able?

"Renewable energy" refers to any type of energy that can be used for thousands of years, and that won't run out in a few generations, as will eventually happen with petroleum (oil). It might include things such as solar energy, eolic (wind) energy, hydraulic energy, wave energy, and geothermal energy.

What is renew able energy?

"Renewable energy" refers to any type of energy that can be used for thousands of years, and that won't run out in a few generations, as will eventually happen with petroleum (oil). It might include things such as solar energy, eolic (wind) energy, hydraulic energy, wave energy, and geothermal energy.