

How much does an entire train weigh?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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11y ago

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The weight of a train varies between systems. How many cars in a given train? Also, the cars even in a single train can easily be different models or styles and can vary in weight. Lets just pick some rolling stock, shall we? In the instance of the NYC system, the R143 cars weigh about 85,200 pounds, or about 38,600 kilograms. Trains usually run from 8 to 11 cars. The math is simple, but (risking repetition) deciding what system, what cars are running on a given train and how many of them will cause a lot of variation if you crunch the numbers. A couple of links are provided below so you can poke around a bit. If we take a 10-car NYC Subway train with just that one car type (R143), that makes for an 852,000-pound train. That's 426 tons of train rolling down the trackway.

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11y ago

It's impossible to answer. A train can be very, very long (50 or more things hooked to it) ... just long (like 30), short (15), very short (6), but not too short or it will flip! So, there's no telling and the think that are hooked on, all weigh different weights

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