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yes alot more salt then fresh
Yes, there is a much larger percentage of salt water than there is fresh water, as most of the Earth's water is stored in the oceans. yes it covers 99.9% of the earth

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11y ago
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11y ago
Simple Answer:
Water flows downhill. The ocean is as far downhill as water can get. Oceans are roughly 97% of Earth's water and cover 70% of Earth's surface. Since oceans have salt, most of the water on Earth is salt water.

Why the oceans have salt is a related question. (See link.)

Why aren't there more lakes to collect fresh water is a question that no one has ever asked. (But, lakes that collect fresh water and do not have an outlet to the ocean will eventually become salt water. See below.)

The whole process working together is known as "The Water Cycle," a topic well worth additional study.

More Discussion:
New water comes from rain and snow, so it is not salty. Almost all glaciers, lakes, rivers and streams are filled with new water and that new water replaces water that flows out to the oceans. It may take an hour or a day or a year or (in the case of huge inland bodies of water like the Great Lakes) thousands of years or (in the case of glaciers) longer for all the old water to be replaced by new water from rain and snow. But, even thousands of years is not long enough for salt and other minerals to accumulate in lakes.

The oceans have salt because they lose water by evaporation, but evaporation leaves behind the dissolved minerals. Oceans became salty because salt dispersed in the rocks and dirt all over the Earth has been dissolved and washed to the sea. It is estimated that it took the first billion years of Earth's existence for the oceans to become about as salty as they are now. (Oceans lose salt by complex geological processes taking place in the ocean floor, but that is a different question.)

The largest freshwater lakes in the world, such as the Great Lakes in North America, have new water flowing in and existing water flowing to the sea. Large and small lakes that are not connected to the oceans, such as the many of the Great Lakes of the Rift Valley, gradually get saltier.
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2mo ago

Approximately 97% of Earth's water is salt water, found in oceans and seas. Only about 3% is fresh water, found in rivers, lakes, and groundwater.

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12y ago

Well many people use Fresh Water from the sink and when they take a shower. So there isn't much of salt water in the world.

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13y ago

Yes. Only about 2.75% of Earth's water is fresh water and the majority of that is either frozen into glaciers or exists as groundwater.

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17y ago

3% fresh

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12y ago

Salt water is more than fresh water.

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Q: How much more salt water than fresh water is there?
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Do objects float more in salt water or fresh water?

Objects float more in salt water compared to fresh water because salt water is denser. The increased density of salt water provides greater buoyancy for objects, allowing them to float more easily than in fresh water.

Why do ships sink more in fresh water than in salt water in respect to?

Ships sink more in fresh water than in salt water because fresh water is less dense than salt water. This means that a ship will displace less water in fresh water compared to salt water, leading to less buoyancy and a higher likelihood of sinking. Additionally, fresh water lacks the buoyant force provided by dissolved salts in salt water.

Will a ball float higher in salt or fresh water?

Salt water is more buoyant than fresh water is, because salt water is slightly more dense. -- Anything that floats in salt water will float higher than it does in fresh water. -- Anything that sinks in salt water will sink slower than it does in fresh water. -- Anything that just barely floats in salt water may possibly sink in fresh water.

Which is more dense fresh or salt water?

Salt water is more dense than fresh water due to the presence of dissolved salts such as sodium chloride. This increased density allows objects to float higher in salt water compared to fresh water.

How does salt water have an effect on buoyancy?

Salt water is denser than fresh water due to the dissolved salt particles, which increases the buoyant force acting on objects. This means that objects will float higher and feel more buoyant in salt water compared to fresh water.

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Is there more fresh water or salt water in the world?


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Objects float more in salt water compared to fresh water because salt water is denser. The increased density of salt water provides greater buoyancy for objects, allowing them to float more easily than in fresh water.

Why do ships sink more in fresh water than in salt water in respect to?

Ships sink more in fresh water than in salt water because fresh water is less dense than salt water. This means that a ship will displace less water in fresh water compared to salt water, leading to less buoyancy and a higher likelihood of sinking. Additionally, fresh water lacks the buoyant force provided by dissolved salts in salt water.

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it is salt water because there is more oxagan in salt water then fresh water

Is lake Huron salt water or fresh water?

No lakes in the world have saltwater and fresh water because if salt water entered a fresh water lake, the fresh water would turn into salt waterRead more: What_lake_has_both_salt_water_and_freshwater

Does a paper towel work diferently in fresh water than salt water?

Yes, a paper towel will work differently in fresh water than in salt water because salt water is denser than fresh water. In fresh water, a paper towel will absorb water more readily due to the lower concentration of solutes, whereas in salt water, the absorption process may be less efficient due to the higher concentration of salt.

Will a ball float higher in salt or fresh water?

Salt water is more buoyant than fresh water is, because salt water is slightly more dense. -- Anything that floats in salt water will float higher than it does in fresh water. -- Anything that sinks in salt water will sink slower than it does in fresh water. -- Anything that just barely floats in salt water may possibly sink in fresh water.

Does salt and fresh mix?

It is quite easy to mix salt water and fresh water, which produces a more dilute form of salt water.

Do coins corroide more in salt water or in fresh water?

Salt water will

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more fish live in the sea water because how much sea water there is