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Use the symbols 'm' for the object's mass, and 'v' for its velocity. Momentum is defined as 'mv' = the product of the object's mass and velocity. If the velocity doubles, then the new momentum is 'm' times '2v' = 2mv = 2 times (mv). This is just double the original momentum. So you can see that the magnitude of momentum is directly proportional to the magnitude of velocity, provided the mass remains constant.

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Q: IF an objects veolicty is doubled its momentum is?
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What will happen to the momentum of a body whose velocity is doubled?

Momentum = mass x velocity. So if the velocity is doubled, momentum will be doubled as they are directly proportional to each other.

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When velocity of body is doubled?

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If the mass is doubled,speed should be halved to conserve momentum.

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It doubles. Momentum (p) is the product of velocity (v) and mass (m). For a given mass, if you double the velocity, you'll double the momentum. Velocity and momentum are said to be directly proportional. p = m x v

What would be the momentum of a passenger bus if its velocity were doubled?

a) doubled b) tripled c) doubled (assuming the engine is used to bring it back to the same speed) d) quadrupled e) halved