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ƩFhorizontal = ForceCarlos - ForceFriction = Mass times Acceleration

ƩFhorizontal = 9-3 = 3a

a = 2 m/s in the direction Carlos is pushing.

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4mo ago

The net force acting on the box is the difference between the applied force and the frictional force, which is 9 N - 3 N = 6 N. Using Newton's second law (F = ma), the acceleration can be calculated as 6 N / 3 kg = 2 m/s^2.

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15y ago

Total Summation force in y direction 9N - 3N = ma

6N = 3a

a = 2 m/s2

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Q: If Carlos pushes a 3 kg box with 9 newtons the force of friction on the box is 3 newtons in the opposite direction what is the acceleration of the box?
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What is a force vector of -3 Newtons?

A force vector of -3 Newtons indicates that the force is acting in the opposite direction of the positive direction, with a magnitude of 3 Newtons.

How does friction demonstrate newtons 3 laws?

Friction involves the interaction between objects when they are in contact. Newton's third law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In the context of friction, when one object applies a force on another, the second object exerts an equal but opposite force in the opposite direction, leading to the resistance or slowing down of motion.

What is for net force of 100 netwons pushes against a forces of friction of 80 newtons?

The net force is the difference between the applied force and the force of friction. So, the net force in this case would be 20 newtons (100 N - 80 N), pushing in the direction of the applied force.

If 5 newtons of force are pulling on 5 newtons of force?

If 5 newtons of force are pulling against another 5 newtons of force in opposite directions, there will be a net force of 0 newtons, resulting in no movement or acceleration. The forces are balanced and cancel each other out.

How much is 50 newtons worth of force?

This is newtons third law in action, which states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. If you push on a wall with 50 newtons of force, the wall will not move, and it will have no acceleration. To make the sum of the forces zero, the wall must push back on you with the same 50 newton force. This is implying that you do not push on the wall hard enough to were it breaks. If it does this it means you are overcoming the force that the wall can push back.

Related questions

What is a force vector of -3 Newtons?

A force vector of -3 Newtons indicates that the force is acting in the opposite direction of the positive direction, with a magnitude of 3 Newtons.

How does friction demonstrate newtons 3 laws?

Friction involves the interaction between objects when they are in contact. Newton's third law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In the context of friction, when one object applies a force on another, the second object exerts an equal but opposite force in the opposite direction, leading to the resistance or slowing down of motion.

Is wrestling related to science?

Yes because you can relate it to motion,speed,friction,acceleration and newtons three laws

If Two horses pull againts a rope with forces 100 newtons in opposite directions this is an example of?

This is an example of a balanced force, where the forces exerted by the two horses on the rope are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction, resulting in no acceleration in the system.

How forces change motion?

unbalanced gravity, friction, or an applied force

What is a force and is measured in newtons?

The measure of a force acting on a body is the mass of the body multiplied by its acceleration in the direction of the applied force.

What is for net force of 100 netwons pushes against a forces of friction of 80 newtons?

The net force is the difference between the applied force and the force of friction. So, the net force in this case would be 20 newtons (100 N - 80 N), pushing in the direction of the applied force.

What can you say about an object at rest pulled in opposite directions by unequal forces?

An object at rest pulled in opposite directions by unequal forces will start to move in the direction of the net force. For example, if I have a chair, and I'm pushing with 10 newtons to the right, and my sister is pushing 5 newtons to the left, the net force is 5 newtons to the right. Therefore, I win, and the chair moves to the right, in the direction of the net force.

If 5 newtons of force are pulling on 5 newtons of force?

If 5 newtons of force are pulling against another 5 newtons of force in opposite directions, there will be a net force of 0 newtons, resulting in no movement or acceleration. The forces are balanced and cancel each other out.

Does friction have anything to do with numbers?

Yes, friction is a force it possesses magnitude and direction. It's magnitude and direction are measured in in Newtons and radians (or other angular measurement) which are written in numbers.No friction is a phenomenon; numbers a human idea. But numbers can be used by humans to express and calculate many things which concern friction.

How much is 50 newtons worth of force?

This is newtons third law in action, which states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. If you push on a wall with 50 newtons of force, the wall will not move, and it will have no acceleration. To make the sum of the forces zero, the wall must push back on you with the same 50 newton force. This is implying that you do not push on the wall hard enough to were it breaks. If it does this it means you are overcoming the force that the wall can push back.

What unit do you measure friction in?

you measure friction in Newtons