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if the space is a total vacume then there is nothing to be peressurized to begin with but since there is an explosion there has to be some matter to cause it so in the breif moment when it does go off there should be pressure on theouter part of the confinde space and a vacume in the center of the explosion due to the fact that the matter is being exerted out ward

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Q: If a small explosion takes place inside a confined space will that space become pressurized?
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there are no labs that i know of that are over pressurized but biology labs or chemical weapons labs or other labs with dangerous substances are negatively pressurized meaning the pressure inside is reduced so when the door opened air would be sucked into the lab preventing dangerous substances in the air to escape the lab.

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Do you have to wear a spacesuit inside a spaceship?

That depends on whether the ship is pressurized or not. Wearing a suit might also be a precation in the event of depressurization.