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x represents displacement or deflection or distance. Hooke law states that force = k times x; the higher the displacement, x, for a given spring constant (k).

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Who discovered hooke's law?

Robert Hooke discovered the law.

Who discovered the shear stress and strain?

Robert Hooke in 1660 discovered the stress strain relation known as Hooke's law. The shear tress relation ( stress = rigidity modulus x shear strain) is a logical extension of Hooke's law,

What law states that the force on a spring is directly proportional to the stretch of the spring?

That's called Hooke's Law.That's called Hooke's Law.That's called Hooke's Law.That's called Hooke's Law.

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Robert Hooke.

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Robert Hooke in 1660

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Robert Hooke discovered the law of elasticity in 1660.

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Hooke's law is about proportionality. So whatever is increasing can also be decreasing.

What did Robert Hooke discover in 1655?

Robert Hooke discovered the 'Hooke's Law' of Elasticity

What Robert Hooke's law is?

Robert Hooke discovered the law of elasticity. The law is that the extension of the spring is equivalent to the force applied.

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When and where did Robert hooke conduct his research?

Robert Hooke was employed by Robert Boyle in 1655 in England. He discovered the law of elasticity, which is today known as Hooke's Law.