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a power is transferred but i dont think it is friction a power is transferred but i dont think it is friction i love cows. and cheese.

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Q: Is friction transferred during collision when two objects collide and bounce apart?
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When objects collide or touch, kinetic (mechanical) energy can be transferred.

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When objects collide or touch, kinetic (mechanical) energy can be transferred.

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What transfer of energy naturally occurs between objects?

If two objects of different temperature are brought into contact, internal energy is transferred via heat. If two objects collide, kinetic energy is transferred between them.

What type of stress occurs when two items collide?

The collision of objects will create compressive and possibly shear stress.

What happens when two object with the same mass collide?

the objects reverse their direction of motion after the collision but still move with the same speed.! (:

What type of charge is transferred when friction between two objects occurs?

Static charge (and thermal energy)

What happens when another object collides with another object?

Newton's Third Law is closely related to Conservation of Momentum. When objects collide, whether the collision is elastic or not, momentum is conserved. (An elastic collision is one in which mechanical energy is conserved. In an elastic collision, after the collision, the objects go away at the same relative speed at which they approached before the collision.)

What happens in an elastic collision?

The two colliding objects bounce off of each other, some of the momentum from one object will be transferred to the other object.

What happens to the momentum of two objects which collide and stick together?

In a collision, a force acts upon an object for a given amount of time to change the object's velocity. The product of force and time is known as impulse. The product of mass and velocity change is known as momentum change. In a collision the impulse encountered by an object is equal to the momentum change it experiences.Impulse = Momentum Change. What happens to the momentum when two objects collide? Nothing! unless you have friction around. Momentum#1 + Momentum#2 before collision = sum of momentums after collision (that's a vector sum).

What type is it when 2 objects bounce off each other when they collide and may transfer what from one to the other?

It is the second type of collision. And they may transfer momentum from one to the other.