

Is glass conductor of heat

Updated: 8/11/2023
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7y ago

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Depends on the type of glass, but, loosely speaking, "glass" is an insulator. If it is an conductor of heat, it should have metals in it. Some might have oxygen present, which is melted at a very high temperature with soda, or limewater. The sand will mix with the metals (two of them) and form a shiny glass. This is very expensive.

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7y ago

Yes. Fill a glass with hot water, and you will find the outside of the glass becomes hot to the touch.

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Q: Is glass conductor of heat
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Glass is a conductor of heat. Not electricity.

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Is glass a poor conductor?

It depends on whether you mean heat conductor or electrical conductor; in either case it is a poor conductor at room temperature; but at very high temperature it is a good electrical conductor but still a poor heat conductor

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Glass has a higher conductivity than thin plastic but,it is still lower than metal so metal may be a better conductor

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It is an insulator- glass does not conduct electricity (although it can conduct heat).

Does a glass get hot when you put hot water in it?

Glass conducts electricity well letting the heat flow through it. 2. OOPS! (it is only at very high temperatures that glass conducts electricity, and even then it is not a good conductor.) And glass is not a very good conductor of heat, but it will conduct heat albeit slowly.

Is glass a conductor or a insulators?

Glass is an electrical insulator. But glass more readily conducts heat.

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Generally glasses are thermal insulators.

What is the ability called when heat or electricity passes through?

Conductor Some materials are conductors of Heat OR Electricity. But the property is not the same for one material; example glass is a good conductor of heat but a poor conductor of electricity.