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An object becomes charged when it has an excess or deficiency in electrons. This can result from rubbing the material with different material (preferably one that has a different electron affinity, meaning it is either more likely to lose electrons or very hard to lose electrons compared to the first material), therefore the electrons flow from one to another, thus giving the materials charges.

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16y ago
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2mo ago

The Earth carries a negative charge, which is primarily due to the presence of an excess of electrons on its surface. This negative charge is constantly replenished through various natural processes, such as lightning strikes and the flow of electrical currents in the atmosphere.

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13y ago

An electromagnet is both positively and negatively charged, since it relies on the flow of electrons to create a magnetic field and an electric field. This field has both a north and south side (or positive and negative for the electric field).

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12y ago

"the earth doesnt have a charge, it is not an atom"


This is true, the earth is not an atom, and it does not have a charge.

The reason why electrons want to get to Earth, as observed in static electricity or lightening, is because the electrons are repelling each other and want to get to Earth where they can spread out.

Lightening doesn't happen because the electrons are attracted to the Earth. It happens because as temperatures drop, water freezes and clouds moving past and through each other cause this frozen water molecules to rub against each other which generates a lot of static electricity. As this builds and builds, electrons keep on getting picked up from one object to another, they are constantly repelling as they are collected until eventually it becomes too much and the electrons flow to Earth through lightening; the electrons discharge all of a sudden, which means they flow away and spread out. This build up is what causes high voltage.

Hope this helps!

x BBC Merlin Fan

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8y ago

No, a magnet has no electrical charge. It is magnetized.

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Q: Is the Earth negatively or positively charged?
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How do positively charged objects differ from negatively charged objects?

Positively charged objects have an excess of protons compared to electrons, while negatively charged objects have an excess of electrons compared to protons. These imbalances in charge cause positively charged objects to attract negatively charged objects and repel other positively charged objects, and vice versa for negatively charged objects.

What is the formation of positively and negatively charged objects?

Positively charged objects gain electrons to become negatively charged. Negatively charged objects lose electrons to become positively charged. This exchange of electrons creates an imbalance of positive and negative charges, leading to the attraction between the objects.

How does a body become positively charged?

A body can become positively charged by losing electrons, which are negatively charged particles. When an atom loses one or more electrons, it becomes positively charged because there are more positively charged protons in the nucleus than negatively charged electrons surrounding it. This imbalance of positive and negative charges results in a body being positively charged.

Predict what would happen if you touched the knob of a positively charged electroscope with a negatively charged object?

If you touch the knob of a positively charged electroscope with a negatively charged object, the excess electrons from the negatively charged object will flow to the electroscope, neutralizing the positive charge. The electroscope will become neutral or slightly negatively charged as a result.

Do negatively charged objects repel positively charged objects?

Yes, negatively charged objects and positively charged objects will repel each other due to the opposite charge. This is known as the principle of electrostatic repulsion.

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Is lighting negatively charged or positively charged?

Negatively charge

Is an insulator positively charged or negatively charged?

I believe they'd are positively charged.

What is a positively or negativity charged atoms?

An ion is both positively and negatively charged.

Are electrons positively charged or negatively?

Negatively charged

How do positively charged objects differ from negatively charged objects?

Positively charged objects have an excess of protons compared to electrons, while negatively charged objects have an excess of electrons compared to protons. These imbalances in charge cause positively charged objects to attract negatively charged objects and repel other positively charged objects, and vice versa for negatively charged objects.

Does every atom have a negatively charged nucleus surrounded by negatively charged electrons?

Every atom has a positively charged nucleus at its center, which contains positively charged protons and uncharged neutrons. Negatively charged electrons orbit around the nucleus in regions known as electron shells.

What is the formation of positively and negatively charged objects?

Positively charged objects gain electrons to become negatively charged. Negatively charged objects lose electrons to become positively charged. This exchange of electrons creates an imbalance of positive and negative charges, leading to the attraction between the objects.

Is an ion is a charged particle?

yes. negatively charged ion is called cation and where as a positively charged ion is anion.

What are the charges of sub atomic particles?

Protons are positively charged, electrons are negatively charged, and neutrons are neutral (no charge).

If electrons are rubbed from cat's fur onto a rubber rod does the cats fur become positively or negatively charged?

Positively charged,because electrons are negatively charged and when you remove them only protons remain and those are positively charged,what makes the fur positively charged as well.

Is an ion positively charged?

Some are, others are negatively charged.

Is black hole negatively charged?

A black hole can be negatively charged, positively charged, or neutral depending on what has fallen into it.