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Centripetal acceleration.

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Bennett Bode

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2y ago
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Q: Is the acceleration towards the inside of a curved path?
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What is the acceleration towards the inside of a curved path?

"Acceleration" does not mean "speeding up". Acceleration means any changein the speed or direction of motion. An object with no acceleration moves at aconstant speed in a straight line. If its path is not straight, then the directionof its motion changes, which fits the definition of acceleration.

What is the acceleration toward the center of a curved or circular path is called what acceleration?

That's called 'centripetal acceleration'. It's the result of the centripetal forceacting on the object on the curved path.

What occurs when a object travels in a curved path?


In what direction do objects travel in a circular path accelerate?

Objects traveling in a circular path accelerate towards the center of the circle due to centripetal acceleration. This acceleration is needed to keep the object moving in a curved path.

What is the acceleration toward the center of a curved path?

centrifical force > acceleration (m/s)/s = velocity2 / radius

Which direction does the centripetal acceleration point?

Centripetal acceleration is acceleration towards the center of the movement.

Which force acts to accelerate oblects towards the center of a curved path?

A centripetal force does.

What are examples of centipetal acceleration?

(1) Anything moving in a circle, (2) anything moving along a curved path.

Can a particle moving with uniform speed along a curved path have acceleration?

Yes, due to its change in direction of motion.

Objects that move along a circular path are they accelerated toward the outer edge of the circle?

Actually, objects moving around a circular path have two accelerations i.e. radial acceleration and tangential acceleration. Radial acceleration is towards the radius whereas tangential acceleration is the acceleration along the direction of the tangent to the path of the motion. So, I would say yes, they are accelerated towards the outer edge of the circle.

How is the magnetic force like centripetal force?

If a charged particle moves in a magnetic field then Lorentz magnetic force acting will be perpendicular to its movement and so the particle will be taken along a curved path. Lorentz force will be towards the centre of the curved path. Any force facing towards the centre of the curved path is named as centre seeking or centripetal force.

What is the push or pull on a moving object towards the center of its curved path called?

i think itscentripetal force