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yes i presume

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Q: Is the reaction force on a surface always perpendicular to the surface?
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Related questions

The force that is always perpendicular to a surface and usually opposite gravity is which force?

that's the "normal force"

What acts perpendicular to the surface of a book resting on a table and balances the weight of the book?

Reaction force.

Why does pressure force acts perpendicular to the body?

If that force is not perpendicular to the surface, then there is a component of the force that's parallel to the surface. That component would move fluid around, until there were no longer any force parallel to the surface ... and the whole force would again be perpendicular to the surface.

Is normal force supplied by the strength of the surface?

A normal force is a force perpendicular to something - for example, to a surface. This force can be supplied by just about anything; in many cases by gravity.A normal force is a force perpendicular to something - for example, to a surface. This force can be supplied by just about anything; in many cases by gravity.A normal force is a force perpendicular to something - for example, to a surface. This force can be supplied by just about anything; in many cases by gravity.A normal force is a force perpendicular to something - for example, to a surface. This force can be supplied by just about anything; in many cases by gravity.

What is the force that acts perpendicular to the surface of contact?

the normal force

What type of contact force is perpendicular to the surface of contact?

Normal force is the component perpendicular to the surface in mechanics. It prevents an object from penetrating the surface with the contact force exerted.

What force is always perpendicular to motion?

The force associated with Torque T is always perpendicular to the torque motion, T=FxR.

What force acts against the gravitational force that is in the upward direction?

In physics, there is a force that is called the normal force. This is the force that comes from a surface pushing up on an object. If the surface is level, the normal force is the exact same magnitude as the gravitational force, but straight up. The normal force is always perpendicular to a surface. Hope this helps!

What force is always perpendicular to the motion when in a circular motion?

The Centripetal Force

In circular motion the what force is always perpendicular to the motion?

The Centripetal Force

Does applying a force always cause a change in position?

no... if a force is not great enough to overcome the static friction then the object will not move also if the force is directly perpendicular to the surface, provided its solid, the object is on it wont move

What type of force is normal force?

In Physics, "normal" force means force that's perpendicular to something, usually to a surface.In that usage, 'normal' does not mean ordinary, typical, usual, familiar, etc.