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I would a non reactive transition metal such as gold

Gold will dissolve in water if certain salts are already in solution (there is more gold dissolved in the waters of the oceans than has been mined on land), cyanide heap pile leaching gold ore concentrating works this way. Large piles of crushed gold ore are placed on a giant plastic sheet (to catch the concentrated gold and keep the cyanide out of the environment), drip lines on the top of the pile supply a continuous flow of potassium cyanide in water solution while a sump system at the bottom catches the spent solution for reuse, the cyanide solution readily dissolves gold from the top of the pile and releases it near the bottom where the solution pools and the concentration of gold gets too high to remain in solution, after a few decades the cyanide circulation system is turned off and the heap excavated, top layers are hazardous waste, bottom layer is sent to gold smelter.

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11y ago

No,there are some solids which can be dissolved in water like salt, sugar and many more. Soilds that cannot be dissolved in water are due to the particles which do not imparts after dissolving in water.They are called insoluble solids.

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What solids will not dissolve in water?

nothing . Water can, with due time, erode any solid object.

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Not all the solids will dissolve in water. Different solids have different solubilities (some will dissolve more than others). The higher temperature, the more will dissolve

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When a liquid cannot dissolve any further amounts of a compound it is said to be saturated. For example if you add sodium chloride to water evetually you will not be able to dissolve any more salt in the water and it will remain as a solid in the bottom of the bottle. It is the presence of this solid that lets you know that no more can be dissolved and thatt you have a saturated salt solution.

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Saturated. But you can change the conditions and supersaturate many solutions.

What does soluble and insoluble mean?

Materials like salt and sugar will dissolve in the water and are called soluble as they dissolve completely in the water, where as substances that do not dissolve in water like sand are called insoluble materials.

Does salt dissolve in tap water?

Yes it does dissolve in tap water. It can really dissolve in any water.

What can't dissolve in water?

what does not turn dissolve in water is you! our bodies cannot melt in water

What is the definition of a solid solute?

Solute is any substance that is dissolved in a substance and is present in less quantity than the other substance. If the solute is a solid substance then it is called a solid solute. For example :- sugar dissolve in water, sugar is solid solute.

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One way is to dissolve the ammonium chloride in water, then recover the ammonium chloride by evaporation; the naphthalene will not dissolve in water in any substantial quantity.

When dissolved does sugar lose mass?

yes sugar is matter any thing is matter if its a solid liquid or gas and sugar would be solid particles

What cannot be dissolved by water?

Things that won't dissolve in water are said to be insoluble in water. Lots of thing are not soluble in water, just as there are a lot of things that are. Carbon won't dissolve in water, to cite a single example. There are a range of solubilities, as you'd expect. A number of substances and compounds are mostly insoluble in water. Calcium carbonate is resistant to solution in water, to name one. Only the smallest amount of it will dissolve in water.