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Since that is very near to Earth - compared to Earth's radius - the gravity will be almost the same as on the surface. If you want to know exactly how much the gravity gets reduced, look up the distance, and use the formula for gravitation.

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Q: Is there gravity in the exosphere how much?
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Which attributes does the exosphere have?

The answer wanted is surely high temperature and low gravity. The exosphere is considered to have high temperature because the individual gas molecules of which it is composed are moving fast. However there are very few of them and any solid object in the exosphere will have high temperatures in sunlight and low temperatures in the shade. Gravity is lower than on the surface of the earth. Gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance - so an object at 3,500 mile altitude will only feel one quarter of the pull of the same object on the surface.

What is after exosphere?

The exosphere is the uppermost layer of the atmosphere. In the exosphere, an upward travelling molecule can escape to space if it is moving fast enough to attain escape velocity; otherwise it will be pulled back to the celestial body by gravity.

Why do you think the elements are lighter in the exosphere?

Do you mean elements or molecules? Gravity is acting more weakly on them (inverse square law).

What color is the exosphere?

The exosphere is rainbow

What does the exosphere?

The exosphere's job is to hold satellites

What is te thickness of the exosphere?

what is the thickness of the exosphere

The is the layer where satellites orbit.?


How thick is the exosphere?

The exosphere is 9,000-9,500 km

What is the 5th layer?

the exosphere is the 5th layer of the exosphere

Why there are no clouds in the exosphere?

because water cannot evaporate to the exosphere.