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Q: Name at least one other renewable energy resource not presented in the video?
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Why is crude oil considered a non-renewable energy resource?

The earth is not producing any more oil at least in the short run as it takes more than 10 million years for organic material to transform itself into oil.

What is the definition of non renewable?

The term "non-renewable" means that an existing arrangement or contract cannot be extended. It is also applied to natural resources that cannot be replenished or replaced as they are used up, or at least not in a reasonable time frame. These resources can also be characterized as "exhaustible."

What is the difference between renewable energy and non renewable energy?

Renewable energy is energy obtained from sources that can be renewed. Wind, sunshine and water power are the most common.Non-Renewable energy is energy obtained from sources that cannot be renewed. Examples of these are fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas.A:You can use renewable energy resources for ever, they never run out! Just like solar energy because the earth will keep on having sunlight from the sun. Non renewable energy resources like coal, oil and gas (fossil fuels) if used too much they will run out which is exactly what is happening today. We have 2 options- find a new energy resource or use the fossil fuels slower than we are now. A:Renewable energy is energy from which its source is constantly getting replenished and hence will not run out. Example hydro-electricity. Non-renewable energy is energy from a source which only has a limited supply. Example fossil fuels.A:The main difference between renewable and non-renewable energy is that renewable energy doesn't run out. Solar power energy is an example of a renewable energy resource. Non-renewable energy will eventually run out. Learn more about solar renewable energy at the link below. A:Renewable energy is energy generated from natural resources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, and geothermal heat, which are renewable (naturally replenished). In 2006, about 18% of global final energy consumption came from renewables, with 13% coming from traditional biomass, such as wood-burning. Hydroelectricity was the next largest renewable source, providing 3% of global energy consumption and 15% of global electricity generation. Non-renewable energy is energy, taken from "finite resources that will eventually dwindle, becoming too expensive or too environmentally damaging to retrieve", as opposed to renewable energy sources , which "are naturally replenished in a relatively short period of time.Fossil fuels: Various types of coal are mined, such as anthracite, bituminous coal, and lignite.Petroleum forms the basis for heating oil, diesel fuel, and gasoline.Natural gas is commonly also referred to just as gas. It is mostly methane, and most of the additional material is removed before use as a fuel.Nuclear energy fuel for fission is mined as Uranium ore.Propane gas is used from manufacturing and heating and makes up 1.7% of the U.S.'s energy consumption.A:When a non-renewable fuel is used it is gone, it cannot be renewed or replaced once used, like coal and oil. Fossil fuels cannot be replaced, as they took millions of years to be formed. At least, they cannot be replaced within the lifetime of the human race. Who knows who will be living on earth in 100 million years time? A renewable fuel can be replaced. This would include biomass, you crop it and next year you grow another crop.A renewable source is one that can be used over and over without running out. This includes wind, tidal, solar, geothermal. Also biomass so long as you re-plant as much as you burn. Hydro power is also renewable, because the rain keeps falling.non renewable can't be made again for at least a few millions of years, renewable energy e.g. alcohol can be made on the spot. That's why the government doesn't want to get to concentrated on non renewable energy sources, because it could quickly run out.If you knew your would already have your answerFirst of all, we all know renewable means recyclable. Non- Renewable is the opposite. Once the non-renewable resources are gone, they're gone. But with renewable products, We can use them over and over and over.When a non-renewable fuel is used it is gone, it cannot be renewed or replaced once used, like coal and oil. Fossil fuels cannot be replaced, as they took millions of years to be formed. At least, they cannot be replaced within the lifetime of the human race. Who knows who will be living on earth in 100 million years time? A renewable fuel can be replaced. This would include biomass, you crop it and next year you grow another crop. A renewable source is one that can be used over and over without running out. This includes wind, tidal, solar, geothermal. Also biomass so long as you re-plant as much as you burn. Hydro power is also renewable, because the rain keeps falling.Renewable energy sources are sources that will not run out. For example using vegetable oil as a car fuel instead of diesel. The sunflowers or the oil seed plants that produce the oil can be grown again and again and again. The diesel, on the other hand, is produced from crude oil which cannot be made again and will run out as stocks are used up. This means diesel oil is a non-renewable energy source.Another example is wind turbines (renewable) and electricity from a coal-fired power station. The wind will not suddenly stop because we have used it all up, like the coal. Wind will always be there to drive the turbine and produce energy to light people's homes. Basically what it all comes down to is that a renewable source of energy can be used time and time again but a non-renewable will eventually run out as when all the crude oil is pumped out of the ground.Non-renewable sources of energy cannot be replaced or regrown after they have died or been used up, such as oil, coal and natural gas (all made from dead animal and vegetation matter from millions of years ago.)

Is solar energy a good source of long-term electric energy?

Yes, solar energy is classed as a renewable source of energy.

What does mean by renewable energy?

A natural resource qualifies as a renewable resource if it is replenished by natural processes at a rate comparable to its rate of consumption by humans or other users. Resources such as solar radiation, tides, and winds are perpetual resources that are in no danger of being used in excess of their long-term availability. Natural resources that qualify as renewable resources include oxygen, fresh water, timber, and biomass. However they can become non-renewable resources if used at a rate greater than the environment's capacity to replenish them. For example, groundwater may be removed from an aquifer at a rate greater than the sustainable recharge. Removal of water from the pore spaces may cause Renewable resources may also include commodities such as wood, paper, and leather. Furthermore alcohol is also a renewable source of energy, similarly,oils from plants and seeds can used as even as a substitute for non-renewable diesel, last but not least methane is also considered as a renewable source of energy. Gasoline, coal, natural gas, diesel and other commodities derived from fossil fuels are non-renewable. Unlike fossil fuels, a renewable resource can have a sustainable yield. i won't change the answer bt i am givin' u a simple and short one........ A renewable resource is one that is replaced by natural processes at a rate that is equal to or faster than its consumption. For example, the wind, the tides, and the sun, are all resources that can be utilized for their power and are in no danger of expiring; These resources will always be available, despite the consumption level. Resources such as water, timber, and geothermal energy must be intensely monitored in order to avoid over-consumption, and thus deprive the resources of their renewability.

Related questions

Which renewable resource is least dependent on the sun?

Geothermal energy is renewable, as the heat from the center of the earth will be available as long as we ever need it. This energy is the only renewable energy that does NOT come from the sun.

Is sunshine exhaustible or inexhaustible?

Solar energy is a renewable resource, at least for another 6 billion years or so.

What ancient renewable resource can be used to create energy?

Renewable resources are resources that are not expected to run out, any time soon at least. Some examples are solar energy, tidal energy and geothermal energy.

How fast is a renewable resource replaced?

A renewable resource is replaced instantaneously, in most cases. Sunlight shines constantly, at least during daylight hours, no matter how much of it we use to generate electricity on our roofs. Wind blows as long as there are pressure differences around the world. Other renewable energy sources are the same (hydro, tidal and wave, geothermal and others).

How long will renewable energy last?

A sustainable resource means it will last for ever, or for as long as humans renew the source.

Is sunlght renewable or nonrenewable?

Sunlight, used for solar energy, is a form of renewable energy. Renewable energy is energy with a practically limitless supply, at least within a normal scale of time. The sun will continue to give energy without stop for a longer amount of time than we need to worry about so it is renewable.

Is gas an example of A renewable resource?

yes but it will take a ong time to renew a lot ike 1000 years at the least

Why is crude oil considered a non-renewable energy resource?

The earth is not producing any more oil at least in the short run as it takes more than 10 million years for organic material to transform itself into oil.

What are 4 renewable fuels?

depending on which type of fuel. Gasoline is non-renewable

What is the definition of non renewable?

The term "non-renewable" means that an existing arrangement or contract cannot be extended. It is also applied to natural resources that cannot be replenished or replaced as they are used up, or at least not in a reasonable time frame. These resources can also be characterized as "exhaustible."

Is water power a renewable or a non renewable resource?

The amount of water on earth is so huge compared with any amount we use for various purposes, that it can be considered infinite, and a renewable resource. Water is consumed and broken down in some processes, and produced in others, like burning fossil fuels, but these are small amounts compared with what is in the oceans. If you limit the question to freshwater, there are sometimes shortages due to variations in the weather, but overall over a period of years the amount available does not vary much, and this is driven by the sun's energy which is renewable of course. (At least for a few billion years to come)

What is definition of renewable and non renewable resources?

Uses:All these resources are being mainly used to generate electricity. Oil is also used for transport and the production of plastics. Minerals like iron ore and gold are nonrenewable, but may be recycled and reused. Renewable ResourcesA renewable resource is something that is being continually replaced faster than we use it up. Solar energy is considered a renewable source of energy because the sun's energy is continuous. (Note that the rest of this list are all forms of solar power.)Wind PowerWater Power (Hydro-electricity from dammed rivers, tidal streams and ocean waves)Thermal Power from the earth (Geothermal: Using the earth's heat to generate electricity)Thermal Power from the oceanBiomass, the burning of plant material, is a renewable resource. Even though the burning puts carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, it also prevents a much greater amount of methane being released by the decomposing vegetation, so it is rated as positive.Trees are renewable because we can replant them.Non-Renewable ResourcesA non-renewable resource is something that is not being replaced as we consume it. Oil is a good example of a non-renewable resource. It is used to make gasoline and other fuels, as well as plastics, such as grocery bags. We are using billions of gallons of oil every year, but it takes millions of years to be replace. We are using up oil much much faster than it is being produced. Once we use up oil from the earth, it's gone. We can't wait millions of years for some more.Coal is non-renewable.Peat is non-renewable.Uranium is non-renewable.---Most of the time the two terms are referring to sources of energy:Renewable sources are sources of energy that can be reused or that will continue regardless of you using them: power from the Sun, power from waves, power from wind.Nonrenewable sources are sources of energy that have a limited supply and will run out, and not be able to be used in the future: Oil, Coal, Gas.---Renewable energy sources are wind, solar, and hydro-power, and biomass. They will never run out. Nonrenewable energy sources are coal, oil, and other fossil fuels. The similarities are that most of them have a relation with the Sun. A nonrenewable energy source and a renewable energy source are similar in the way some of them are used to transform energy (you cannot create energy, it can only be transformed from one energy form to another.) The similarities are few but there are many differences, most of the positives are on the renewable energy's side.---When you use petrol, gas, coal... basically anything you burn to produce heat and then turn this energy into electricity of mechanical energy (a car engine) you are using a raw material that is not going to be replaced. In fact petrol, gas, and coal take million of years to be naturally produced.When you are burning wood (from trees), the tree grows again... eventually if you let it do so. This energy can be "kind of renewable" as long as another tree grows as fast in order to replace the one you cut.