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Is fake
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Its false stupid guy said true when its false

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Q: On a spinning ride at the fair it is inertia that keeps you moving in a circle?
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How do gravity and inertia keep the planet in orbit around the sun?

inertia keeps the planets moving and spinning , and gravity is a force that attracts all objects toward each other.

What keeps the moon moving?


Asteroids have been moving though space for billion of years what keeps them moving?

inertia keeps moving it!:)

If the Earth is rotating why don't we get dizzy?

Our sense of balance comes from fluid in our ears. When you spin in a circle and come to a stop, inertia keeps the fluid in your ears spinning. This makes you feel dizzy. However, as the earth spins, the fluid in our ears is spinning at the same rate as our bodies. That is, it is moving relative to some non-moving point, but it is not moving relative to our bodies. That is why we don't get dizzy while spinning in a circle. Only after we come to a stop do we feel dizzy. That is the same reason we don't feel dizzy while the Earth rotates.

What is the property of matter that keeps it moving in a straight line or keeps it at rest?


What keeps things moving in a circle?

gravity keeps us in a circle

How does gravity keep the earth in orbit around the sun?

Sun's gravitational pull keeps the earth in an elliptical orbit around it.If there would be no gravitational pull of sun on earth than the earth would start moving in a straight line at an angle of 90 degree like a tangent to a circle.

What keeps moving objects going in their direction of motion?


Does a speeding car have inertia?

yes, intertia keeps the car moving.

If your in a car that stops suddenly your body keeps moving because it has?


What keeps the probe moving in space after the rocket no longer pushes it?


When you are in a car the stops suddenly and when your body keeps moving what is that called?
