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A positively charged particle that is also a beta particle is a Positron.

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Q: Positively charged particle that is also beta particle?
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Is an alpha a particle or a wave?

Beta is a particle. In beta- it is an electron and an electron antineutrino. In beta+ it is a positron and an electron neutrino.

Why are beta particle is attracted to the positive electric field?

A beta particle is essentially an electron. Electrons have a negative charge and as such, they are attracted to positively charged objects and fields.

Alpha particles and beta particles differ in?

Alpha particles are positively charged helium nuclei while beta particle are negatively charged electrons . Alpha particle have 4u mass while beta particles have zero mass.

What is another name for beta particle?

Positively charged helium atoms deprived of electrons. (2 protons 2 neutrons)

Will beta particles bend towards the north or south pole of a magnet?

That's going to depend on which pole of the magnet is sticking out towards the beta stream (there are two choices), and also on the direction in which the electrons are flowing past the magnet (there are two choices).

What can you conclude about a particle labeled 0 -1 e?

is a beta particle,It is negatively charged,It has one electron.

What is the charge of beta particles?

Beta Particles have a negative charge,In Beta decay a neutron changes into a proton and a beta particle, an electron.

Beta particles are attracted by atomic nuclei because?

Beta particles are electrons. Electrons have a negative charge. Nuclei are protons, with a positive charge, and neutrons, with no charge; thus the nucleus is positively charged. Positively charged particles are attracted to negatively charged particles, and vice versa.

When beta particle strikes a living cell?

It interacts with the molecules making up the cell and creates one or more ion pairs by causing outer electrons to leave the molecule and making the molecule positively charged, while the released electron is negatively charged.

Why are alpha and beta rays bent in different directions?

Alpha and beta rays are bent in different directions because alpha is positively charged, beta is negative.

Does a beta particle have a zero charge?

The particle that carries the positive charge (a proton) is much more massive than the particle that carries the negative charge (an electron) The charges are equal in magnitude though of opposite polarity.

When a beta particle is emitted does the mass number of the isotope remains unchanged?

With the ejection of a beta particle (electron), there is a minute loss of mass. Electrons have very low mass. The atomic number increases though as a neutron is transformed into a proton. A antineutrino is also ejected. In a similar process, positron emission also called beta decay,- a positron is emitted and a proton is transformed into a neutron, the atomic number decreases. A neutrino is also ejected.