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Reproduction involves the transfer of genetic information from the parent cell to the daughter cells. This is how some traits are transferred through the genes.

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12y ago

reproduction can either be sexual or asexual, in sexual, it is d transfer of the combination of d genetic constitution of 2 different parent organism to their offspring. whereas in asexual, it involves only 1 parent therefore, it is " an identity or genetic copy" of the parent organism

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Q: Reproduction involves the transfer of genetic information from?
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Sexual reproduction is a process that creates a new organism by combining the genetic material of two organisms. Sexual reproduction is the primary reproduction for most organisms.

How are Reproduction and heredity are different?

Reproduction is the act of producing offspring, nothing more. Heredity is the transfer of genetic characteristics to those offspring. Those genetic characteristics pass down from generation to generation, extending far beyond the immediate act of reproduction.

Why is conjugation considered a form of sexual reproduction?

I am studying Microbiology in school currently. According to my understanding, conjugation is not a form sexual reproduction, instead, it is asexual reproduction. Reason being, conjugation only involves transfer of genetic information which is the same as sexual reproduction which involves the fusion of garmetes (sex cells)/equal exchange of genetic material. Hope my answer is helpful. But now, I have a question. Why is conjugation considered a form reproduction when it does not even produce a new offspring?

What percentage of an offsprings genetic information is the same as the genetic information of a parent during asexual reproduction?

100%. If there's no other party involved, then the genetic information can only physically come from the parent organism.

The creation of offspring carrying genetic information from just a single parent is called?

Asexual reproduction.