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This statement is false. Liquids generally have higher thermal expansion coefficients compared to solid metals. When heated, liquids tend to expand more than solid metals because the atoms or molecules in a liquid are less constrained and have more freedom to move.

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Q: Solid metals undergo greater thermal expansion than liquids do?
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Why does an object bend when you heat it?

When you heat an object, its molecules start to vibrate more vigorously. This increased thermal energy causes the atoms or molecules to move further apart, leading to expansion. As a result, the object will undergo thermal expansion, causing it to bend or deform if it is not uniformly heated.

What is the state refrigerant leaving the condenser?

The state of the refrigerant leaving the condenser is a high-pressure, high-temperature, high-quality liquid. It has released heat to the surroundings during the condensation process and is ready to move to the expansion valve or throttle valve to undergo an expansion process.

Why a thicks walled glass tumbler cracks on pouring boiling water into it?

A thick-walled glass tumbler can crack when boiling water is poured into it due to thermal shock. The sudden and extreme temperature difference between the hot water and the cooler glass can cause the glass to expand rapidly and unevenly, leading to stress fractures and ultimately cracking. It is recommended to use tempered glassware or to preheat the glass with warm water before pouring boiling water to prevent this from happening.

What happens when you remove thermal energy from a gas?

When thermal energy is removed from a gas, its temperature decreases and the gas molecules slow down, leading to a decrease in pressure. If enough thermal energy is removed, the gas can undergo a phase change to liquid or solid form, depending on the initial conditions and the gas properties.

What types of physical or state changes can solids undergo?

Solids can undergo changes such as melting, sublimation, and deformation. Melting occurs when a solid turns into a liquid, sublimation is when a solid transitions directly into a gas, and deformation involves the restructuring of the solid's shape without changing its state.

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Do a very hot summer day railroad tracks can buckle causing train delays and derailments. What is the best reason for the buckling?

the mental rails undergo thermal expansion

What is the effect on heat on different liquids?

It will cause the liquid to either expand or contract.

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Thermal energy cause thermal decomposition of a compound; the bonds between atoms are weakened.

Why does an object bend when you heat it?

When you heat an object, its molecules start to vibrate more vigorously. This increased thermal energy causes the atoms or molecules to move further apart, leading to expansion. As a result, the object will undergo thermal expansion, causing it to bend or deform if it is not uniformly heated.

What happens if you heat copper?

When you heat copper, it will undergo thermal expansion, meaning it will expand in size. At high enough temperatures, around 1,984 degrees Fahrenheit, copper will start to melt and turn into a liquid state.

What will happen if a metal ball is heated?

If a metal ball is heated, it will increase in temperature and expand due to the thermal energy absorbed. The metal will undergo thermal expansion, causing it to increase in size.

How do changes in temperature cause rocks to break down?

Changes in temperature cause rocks to undergo thermal expansion and contraction. When rocks heat up, they expand; likewise, when they cool down, they contract. Over time, this repeated expansion and contraction weaken the rock structure, creating cracks and fractures that eventually lead to rock breakdown.

What reaction must uranium undergo in order to release energy?

Nuclear fission with thermal neutrons

What is 8SO2 plus heat?

When 8SO2 is heated, it will undergo thermal decomposition to form 8S and 16O2 molecules.

Why small gaps are left between successive rails in railway lines?

In the heat (of summer) the rails undergo thermal expansion. The amount of expansion is proportional to the normal length and, because rails are long lengths of metal, the expansion is sizeable. If there were no gaps then the expanding rails would push against one another until they buckled.

When the temperature of ice is increased slightly. Does it undergo a net expansion or net contraction?

When the temperature of ice is increased slightly, it undergoes a net contraction. This is because the thermal energy causes the ice molecules to vibrate more vigorously, thereby reducing the overall structure of the ice and resulting in a decrease in volume.

When did the synthetic fiber industry undergo a major expansion?

Rapid technological advances during and after World War II paved the way for a massive synthetic fiber industry expansion during the 1960s and 1970s.