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Energy released during the formation of nucleus and it is equivalent to loss of mass (mass defect).

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Q: Sum of the masses of constituent nucleons is greater than mass of a nucleus The difference is due to?
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Is the difference between the mass number of an isotope and its atomic number is equal to the number of nucleons in the nucleus?

It is equal to the number of neutrons in the nucleus, not nucleons (which include both protons and neutrons.)

What are nucleons in the nucleus?

Nucleons are particles are are included in the nucleus of an atom. These include neutrons and protons (and their anti-matter pairs).

How does binding energy per nucleon effect the stability of a nucleus?

The greater the nuclear binding energy, the more stable the nucleus. Even numbers of nucleons also make the nucleus more stable.

Strong nulear force?

It is the force between the nucleons within the nucleus. It is due to the exchange of mesons in between the nucleons. This force is a strange one and it has shortest range. It is some 1040 times greater than the gravitational attractive force between the nucleons.

What is the protons and neutrons in the nucleus called?


The fundamental particle responsible for keeping the nucleus together is?

nucleons teri to..... nucleons teri to.....

The nucleus with the most tightly bound nucleons is?


What are the names of 2 nucleons?

The particles found in the nucleus are collectively called nucleons. Nucleons are protons and neutrons.

Particles is found in the nucleus of an atom?

Particles found in the nucleus of an atom are named as nucleons. There are mainly two type of nucleons. They are protons and neutrons. Protons are having positive charge but neutron is chargeless. To keep these nucleons together a particle known as pi mesons are exchanged between the nucleons.

What limits the size of a nucleus?

Binding forces among the nucleons.

What is a generic name for the subatomic particles in the nucleus of an atom?


Is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom equal to the number of electrons in its outer rings?

Only for the isotope hydrogen-1. All other nuclei contain at least one neutron; the number of electrons present outside the nucleus is the same as the number of protons in the nucleus; and both protons and neutrons are nucleons. Therefore, in any nucleus except that of hydrogen-1, the number of nucleons in the nucleus is greater than the number of electrons outside the nucleus.