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Conservation .

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Q: The fact that mass and energy cannot be created or destroyed is the fundamental concept of the theme of?
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Energy that cannot be created or destroyed?

It is a fundamental that energy can neither be created or destroyed just changed from one form to another.

What is fundamental law of energy?

Novanet:Energy can be transferred but cannot be destroyed.

Energy may change from one form to another but it cannot be created or destroyed under ordinary conditions?

It cannot be created or destroyed under anyconditions.It cannot be created or destroyed under anyconditions.It cannot be created or destroyed under anyconditions.It cannot be created or destroyed under any conditions.

What dose law of conservation of mass?

The Law of Conservation of Mass is the concept that mass cannot be created or destroyed, it simply changes form.

What states that matter cannot be created or destroyed?

The law that states that matter cannot be created or destroyed is the law of conservation created by Lavoisier.

Finish quote Energy cannot be created or destroyed but can be.....?

The quote is "energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change forms"

How and where material are destroyed and created?

Matter cannot be created or destroyed - it can merely be rearranged or converted to/from energy.

Would a 5.0kg mass on the earth still be a 5.0kg mass if it were on the moon?

Yes. Conservation of mass: a fundamental principle of classical physics that matter cannot be created or destroyed in an isolated system.

What are three things energy cannot do?

energy cannot be air, cannot be destroyed, cannot be created

What does it mean that energy is neither created nor destroyed?

Energy is cannot be created nor destroyed it can only be moved.

in natural (closed) systems, both energy and matter can change forms but cannot be ---- or?

Created or destroyed

What type of energy cannot be created or destroyed?
