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The heat of fusion is the amount of energy required to change 1 unit mass of a solid to a liquid at constant temperature.

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2mo ago

substance from a solid to a liquid state. It is the energy needed to overcome the attractive forces between molecules in a solid to allow them to move freely in a liquid state.

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Q: The heat of fusion is defined as the energy required at constant temperature to change 1 unit mass of a?
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Why does temperature remain constant when wax solidifies?

Temperature remains constant during the solidification of wax because the heat energy released by the wax as it solidifies is absorbed by its surroundings. This is due to the latent heat of fusion, which is the energy required to change a substance from liquid to solid at its melting point without a change in temperature.

Why does the temperature not change during a phase change?

During the change of state, the molecules of a substance absorb energy to overcome the strong intermolecular force of attraction between them. Hence the heat energy which we supply is absorbed by them for this purpose. So change in temperature is not observed.

Can an object that move at a constant speed be accelerating?

No, an object moving at a constant speed cannot be accelerating. Acceleration is defined as a change in velocity over time, so if the speed is constant, there is no change in velocity and therefore no acceleration.

Does the cooling constant in newton's law of cooling change depending on the temperature of the vessel?

No, the cooling constant in Newton's law of cooling does not change with the temperature of the vessel. The cooling constant is a property of the system and remains constant as long as the conditions affecting the cooling process remain the same.

Does the frequency of a wave remain constant if the medium temperature and pressure do not change?

Yes, the frequency of a wave remains constant as long as the medium temperature and pressure do not change. Temperature and pressure affect the speed of sound in a medium, not the frequency of the wave.

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Definition of cooling constant?

newton's cooling constant is defined as the ratio b/w change in temperature and difference in temperature of hot body and temperature of surrounding

The amount of heat necessary to change a liquid to a solid at constant temperature?

None - heat is evolved, not required.

Why does the temperature of any substance remain constant during the change of a state?

because energy is required to break the intermolecular forces in the molecule

A change of phase takes place at a constant?

A change of phase takes place at a constant temperature and pressure. During a change of phase, the substance absorbs or releases latent heat without a change in temperature.

A change of phase takes place at a constant what?

A change of phase takes place at a constant temperature.

Why does temperature remain constant when wax solidifies?

Temperature remains constant during the solidification of wax because the heat energy released by the wax as it solidifies is absorbed by its surroundings. This is due to the latent heat of fusion, which is the energy required to change a substance from liquid to solid at its melting point without a change in temperature.

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Why does the temperature not change during a phase change?

During the change of state, the molecules of a substance absorb energy to overcome the strong intermolecular force of attraction between them. Hence the heat energy which we supply is absorbed by them for this purpose. So change in temperature is not observed.

How does temperature change during change of physical change?

Temperature remains constant during the change in phase (physical state).

Latent heat is the energy required for 1 kg of a substance to change?

Latent heat is the energy required for 1 kg of a substance to change ___________. phase

What happen to the temperature during phase change?

The temperature remain constant.

Can an object be accelerating with constant velocity?

No, since acceleration is defined as a change in velocity. If there is no change, there is no acceleration.