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Mass is the attribute "inertia" of a physical object or of what ever is contained in a specified region of space. So mass is(1-1 ) proportional to inertia. Nay, the word "Mass" was synonym for "inertia", in the E=mc^2 formula's documents.

Note: You can't view mass as "Weight of matter" because this implies a gravitational force, but there is no need to have gravity in our system to have inertia.

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Matter has mass, proportional to the quantity of matter in it, and associated with mass is Gravity.

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For "matter", it would depend what aspect of matter you want to measure.Mass is often measured via its weight; under normal Earth gravity, the weight is proportional to the mass.

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weight is proportional to gravity mass is proportional to its self, you can weigh 0 lb in space but 300 on earth, but your mass stays the same no matter what. (please improve im going off what i just learned)

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Mass is proportional to momentum. Momentum is the product of mass and velocity. When mass increases, momentum increases.

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directly proportional because force=(mass)(acceleration) (f=ma)

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Mass doesn't effect time, energy effects mass (proportional) and velocity effects time (not proportional).

How does mass effect momentum?

Linear momentum is proportional to mass and velocity;p = mvThus, increase in mass will increase the linear momentumAngular momentum is similarly related:L = p.rL = mv.r