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Q: The period of time before writing was used is called?
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The period of time in the past before writing was invented is called?


What was a long period of time before people invented writing called?


What is the period before writing began?

Prehistory is the period of time before humans learned to write.

What is The time period before writing was discovered?


What is a long period of time before people develop systems of writing and written language?

long period of time before people developed systems of writing and a written language

What is a long period of time before people developed systems of writing and a written language?

long period of time before people developed systems of writing and a written language

The period of history before the invention of writing is called?

The period of history before a viable system of writing had developed was called the Neolithic, or New Stone Age, during the period civilization had greatly developed in agriculture and cities. The first and earliest form of writing involved the symbolic Sumerian cuneiform in Mesopotamia around 3500 BC, which occurred after the Neolithic time period of world history.

What is the period of time in the past before writing was invented?


What was the period of time called before systems of writing were used?

pre history pre historythe time before writting was invented is called prehistory.

What period of time of time after people appeared but before they developed writing known as?


What is the time before history was written called?

The time before history was written is called prehistory. It refers to the period before written records were kept and includes the Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age. Archaeology and other scientific methods are used to study prehistoric societies.

The period of time in the past before writing was invented is known as?

The period of time prior to the invention of writing is referred to as "Prehistory". This division of time is also noted by the use of a written calendar and the days before there were such dates notated.