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Resistance or impedance.

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Q: The property of a conductor that impedes the flow of charge is called?
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What is the property of a conductor that opposes the flow of charge passing through it is called?

property of a conductor that opposes the flow of charge passing through it

The ability of a conductor to take on a charge is called its?

The ability of a conductor to take on charge is called its conductance.

What property does a plastic have that makes it possible to give it static charge?

It's a non-conductor (of electricity).

Is elctric charge a property of just electricity or is charge property of all atoms?

Electric charge is a property of some subatomic particles. Atoms can be neutral (zero electric charge), or they can have a charge. If they have a charge, they are called ions.

When an object shares its excess charge with a much larger conductor it is called?


What is the charge density for a conductor?

The charge density inside a conductor is always zero

What is the name for a positively charged conductor through which electrons flow into a device?

Anode The name for a positive charge conductor through which electrons flow into a device is called the life conductor.

Can you give me a definition of electrical conductive?

'Conductive', in the electrical sense, describes the property of a material which enables an electric current to pass through that material. An electric current is a drift of charge carriers -in the case of a metal, these charge carriers are negatively-charged free electrons, but in other materials, such as electrolytes (conducting fluids) the charge carriers may be charged atoms, called ions. For a material to act as a conductor, it needs to have sufficient charge carriers to support current flow; if there are too few, then we say the material is an insulator. There is no such thing as a 'perfect' conductor or a 'perfect' insulator, but we can list different materials on a scale where one end represents an excellent conductor (or a very poor insulator) and the opposite end represents an excellent insulator (or a very poor conductor). The property used to define whether a particular material is classified as a conductor or an insulator is termed its 'resistivity', expressed in ohm metres.

can you give a definition of electrical conductive?

'Conductive', in the electrical sense, describes the property of a material which enables an electric current to pass through that material. An electric current is a drift of charge carriers -in the case of a metal, these charge carriers are negatively-charged free electrons, but in other materials, such as electrolytes (conducting fluids) the charge carriers may be charged atoms, called ions. For a material to act as a conductor, it needs to have sufficient charge carriers to support current flow; if there are too few, then we say the material is an insulator. There is no such thing as a 'perfect' conductor or a 'perfect' insulator, but we can list different materials on a scale where one end represents an excellent conductor (or a very poor insulator) and the opposite end represents an excellent insulator (or a very poor conductor). The property used to define whether a particular material is classified as a conductor or an insulator is termed its 'resistivity', expressed in ohm metres.

How does electricity normally act?

Electricity , or in this case we refer to charge, is always trying to move from conductor to conductor. Whenever it stays still and the charge can't go on to anything else it is called static electricity. This is how it normally acts.

What is difference between ac and dc resistance?

Resistance is inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area of a conductor.With d.c., the charge carriers distribute themselves across the full cross-section of the conductor. However, with a.c., a property called the 'skin effect' (which increases with frequency) causes the charge carriers to drift closer towards the surface of the conductor. Accordingly, effective cross-sectional area of the conductor is reduced, and its effective resistance increases.So the a.c. resistance of a conductor is somewhat is higher than d.c. resistance -how much higher depends on the frequency of the supply.Do not confuse a.c. resistance with reactance, which is a completely different property.

What property of matter gives rise to both electricity and magnetism?

Electric charge is the property of matter that gives rise to both electricity and magnetism.