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Like poles repel and unlike poles attract and keep 'um away from your pacemaker.

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13y ago

1. Like poles repel each other

2. Opposite poles attract each other

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Q: What are the 2 general rules that apply to magnets?
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Are there 2 or 3 properties of magnets?

There are 2 properties of magnets.

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Under 2 minute booth reviews are they different then a coaches challenge?

No, they are all the same but different rules apply.

What is an example of repulsion?

2 magnets

What kind of metals are attracted to magnets or can be made into magnets?

Metals that are attracted by magnets or that can be turned into magnets are as follows: 1-iron 2-cobalt 3-nickel 4-steel (a compound not an element)

How can you stick 2 magnets?

You get one magnet and put it to another and then they are together like magnets... no need to thank me for the answer.

Where can you buy magnets in America?

Magnets in America could be brought everywhere ..... try the 2 dollar shop

How many magnets are there in a car?

2 or more

If you break a magnet in half are 4 poles created like 2 normal magnets?

yes. Four poles are created like two normal magnets. if we further divide the 2 new magnets, we get 4 new magnets each with its own north pole and south pole.

What are the rules for Free Realms?

Well, I don't know the exact rules, but it should be rules that apply to mostly every game 1) Don't swear 2) Have fun and enjoy the game 3) Any problems with any players report them etc etc.

What are the rules to apply overloaded methods?

Two rules apply to overloaded methods: 1. The return type of the methods can be different, but the argument lists of overloaded methods must differ. 2. The argument lists of the calling statement must differ enough to allow unambiguous determination of the proper method to call.

What happens when a bar magnets cut in half?

You now have 2 bar magnets, each with half the magnetic force of the original.