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The two factors that affect how much "pull" that gravity will exert are the

masses of the two objects being inspected, and the distance between them.

It's really that simple.

If you have to have the formula, it's F = G(m1 m2) / r2

Force (F) he gravitational constant (G) times the product of the masses

(m1 and m2) over the distance between the masses (r) squared.

Gravity is directly proportional to the product of the masses involved. Also, it's

inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. We can see

that if we move two masses farther apart or closer together, the gravimetric

force acting between them will change in a predictable way.

You would find that if you were to double the distancebetween the two masses,

the gravitational force between them would be 1/22 or 1/4 times the original

force. (Double the distance and you end up with 1/4th the force acting between

them.) If you triple the distance between the masses, the gravimetric force

would be 1/32 or 1/9 times the original force. (Three times the distance results

in 1/9th the force acting between them.)

If the distance separating the two masses is cut in half, we'd find that the force

is 1 over 1/22 or 1 over 1/4 or 4 times the original force. If the distance between

the masses is cut to a third, the gravimetric force is 1 over 1/32 or 1 over 1/9 or

9 times the original force.
Mass of the object exerting gravitational force (the larger the object, the greater the force) and distance from the object (the farther the distance, the less the force). All objects with mass exert some gravitational force, but some very large objects (e.g. the Earth, the Sun, etc) exert a tremendous amount of force, lucky for us. Other large objects also exert a lot of force, but because they are so far away, the effect is minimal. For example, the Doctor Who delivered you at birth exerted much more gravitational force on you than any planet or star, yet you don't see daily newspaper pieces on Obstetrical Forecasts for those born on the cusp of Dr. Greenburg...

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2mo ago

The factors that affect the strength of gravity include the mass of the objects involved (more massive objects exert stronger gravitational forces), the distance between the objects (gravitational force weakens with increasing distance), and the gravitational constant, which is a universal constant that determines the strength of gravity.

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15y ago

The mass of the two objects and the distance between them according to Kepler's Law Fg = GMm/d^2

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14y ago

As Isaac newton pointed out many years ago, there are only two factors that influence gravitational force, which are the masses involved and the distances between the centers of those masses.

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12y ago

Mass and distance

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8y ago

Distance, and the masses involved.

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Q: What are the factors that affect the strength of gravity?
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