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A rock on the top of a hill, a hammer raised above your head, and a plate on a shelf.

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Oba gamgam style, Orange Nye Nye style, Digin minecraft style

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Q: What are three things that have potential energy?
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What are the three forms of mechanical energy?

Kinetic energy Elastic Potential energy Gravitational Potential energy.

What is Gravitational potential energy depended on?

Just look at the formula: PE = mgh potential energy = mass x gravity x height So, it depends on those three things.

What is an energy form based on position above or below another point?

The form of energy that is stored in an object due to its position above or below another point is called potential energy. There are three types of potential energy which are the elastic, electric, and gravitational potential energy.

How does the potential energy of an object change when it height is triples?

it will become three time, as potential energy=mgh substitude, h'=3h than potential energy=mgh' =mg(3h) =3(mgh) =three times original potential energy

What type of energy do things contain?

"Things" can contain just about any type of energy, depending on the situation: kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy, electric potential energy, magnetic potential energy, elastic energy, nuclear energy, heat energy, etc.

What forms can energy take on?

Energy has many forms. The energy that is stored in the position or the structure of an object is called potential energy . There are many forms that potential energy can take. Chemical potential energy , elastic potential energy, and gravitational potential energy.

What is a form of potential energy?

There are three main types of potential energy: elastic potential energy, gravitational potential energy, and chemical potential energy. Elastic potential energy is stored in objects that can either be stretched or compressed. The more the object is stretched or compressed, the more elastic potential energy it'll have.

How is potential energy of an object change when it's height is tripled?

it will become three time, as potential energy=mgh substitude, h'=3h than potential energy=mgh' =mg(3h) =3(mgh) =three times original potential energy

What is an objects total and potential energy?

An objects total kinetic and potential energy is when both things are moving (kinetic) and the energy is stored in the object (potential)

What are Kinetic and Potential energy?

Kinetic energy is the energy that make things move. They are known as the "Movement Energy". Potential energy is the energy stored in object, waiting to be used.

What the needed to give living things energy?

chemical potential energy

What things store potential energy?

Several things, depending on the type of potential energy. Gravitational potential energy: Any object that is above the chosen reference level (often the ground level) has positive potential energy. Anything below the chosen reference level has negative potential energy. Elastic potential energy: For example, a compressed spring. Chemical energy: For example, hydrogen and oxygen separately have a higher energy level than when they combine into water.