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Medium is of two type

One is material medium and other one is non-material

Material medium are air medium, water medium etc

Non-material medium is vacuum or free space

If material medium is essential for the propagation of the wave then that wave is named as mechanical wave. Example: sound waves

If such a material medium is not a must then the wave is said to be Electro magentic wave. Example: Light waves.

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Q: What are waves that require a medium to travel through?
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What is a wave that requires a medium wave?

Waves that require a medium through which to travel are called mechanical waves. They require a medium (gas, solid, and liquid).

Why does there have to be a medium for waves to travel through?

There does not have to be a medium. Light does not require a medium. Mechanical waves require a mediumAnswer 2:Not all waves require a medium for their transmission. Mechanical waves require a medium for their transmission because it is the molecules of the medium which cause the wave to propagate. However, electromagnetic waves do NOT require a medium. (for example light)

All waves need a medium to travel?

No, only surface and mechanical waves need a medium, compressional waves can travel through space. (Such as light from the Sun).I think light (EM) waves are the only ones that can travel through a vacuum. Sound waves require a medium.

What is a disturbance that moves through some type of matter or space?

a wave. Electromagnetic waves (such as light or radio waves) do not need a medium to travel through. Mechanical waves (such as sound waves) require a medium (matter) to travel through.

Did waves carries energy?

most kinds of waves need something to travel through. Water waves, for example, travel along the surface of the water. A wave can even travel along a rope. Gases (such as air), liquids (such as water), and solids (such as rope) , all act as mediums. Waves that require a medium through which travel are called mechanical waves.Some waves do not require a medium to travel through. Light can travel and carry energy through empty space. Waves that can travel without a medium are called electromagnetic waves. :)

Related questions

What type of wave requires no medium to travel through?

Waves need not require medium to travel through. Only Mechanical waves like sound waves require medium to travel through. Electromagnetic waves travel in vaccum like light waves. Some waves transmitted in a medium due to disturbances in the medium .

What are three medium waves can travel through?

Not all waves require mediums to propagate.Sound waves can travel through solid, liquid and gaseous mediums, while, electromagnetic waves do not require any medium to travel through.

Waves require a medium in order for energy to be transferred. waves can either travel through a medium or through empty space?

E.M. waves require no medium. Sound waves require a medium.

Name one kind of wave that does not require a medium?

An electromagnetic wave (this includes light) does not require a physical medium - it can travel through empty space.An electromagnetic wave (this includes light) does not require a physical medium - it can travel through empty space.An electromagnetic wave (this includes light) does not require a physical medium - it can travel through empty space.An electromagnetic wave (this includes light) does not require a physical medium - it can travel through empty space.

What type of medium is required by radio waves?

radio waves do not require a medium to travel,it can even travel through vaccum

Unlike mechanical waves waves do not require a medium to travel through.?


Why are sound waves not considered a mechanical wave?

Mechanical waves are waves that require a medium in which to travel, i.e., a solid or fluid. As sound needs a medium to travel, sound is a mechanical wave.

Which of the following distinguishes electromagnetic from mechanical waves?

They don't require a medium to travel through. - apex ....what a wanker

What is a wave that requires a medium wave?

Waves that require a medium through which to travel are called mechanical waves. They require a medium (gas, solid, and liquid).

Why does there have to be a medium for waves to travel through?

There does not have to be a medium. Light does not require a medium. Mechanical waves require a mediumAnswer 2:Not all waves require a medium for their transmission. Mechanical waves require a medium for their transmission because it is the molecules of the medium which cause the wave to propagate. However, electromagnetic waves do NOT require a medium. (for example light)

When a wave travel through a medium?

Mechanical waves such as sound and vibration require a medium in which to travel. Electromagnetic waves such as radio and light need no transmission medium.

How mechanical and electromagnetic wave are different?

The biggest difference is that mechanical waves require a medium to travel through and electromagnetic waves do not.