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Transformed but not destroyed

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Q: What can be transformed or changed but not destroyed?
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Can energy be changed?

Energy can be transformed from one form to another, e.g it can be changed from electrical energy, to kinetic energy. Also energy can not be destroyed, just lost or wasted.

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Law of Conservation of Mass: mass can not be created or destroyed, it can only be changed (transformed).

Whenever energy is transformed is it created or destroyed?

No. According to the first law of thermodynamics, the energy of the universe is constant. Energy can be transferred and transformed, but it cannot be created or destroyed.

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Can Matter can be both created and destroyed.?

No, it can only move or change formMatter can not be created or destroyed, only transformed.

Matter can be both created and destroyed?

No, it can only move or change formMatter can not be created or destroyed, only transformed.

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How is energy created problem?

energy is not created or destroyed. only transformed.

How energy created problem?

energy is not created or destroyed. only transformed.

Is energy destroyed in transformations from one type to another?

Energy cannot be created or destroyed - only transformed from one type to another.

What is the energy can be transformed or changed but not created or destroyed?

That is called the Law of Conservation of Energy. It is also known as the First Law of Thermodynamics. Basically, there is a physical magnitude called "energy", the amount of which doesn't change over time.