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your mom ok. SHUTUP

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Q: What did analysis of motion of objects help physicists to do?
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What does friction help to do?

Stop or slow an objects motion.

How chemistry help physicist?

Physicists do help people, even if it's not direct, e.g. without Physicists, there wouldn't be coloured TV, but even though Physicists didn't make the coloured TV, they're research on the three colours red green and blue was essential.

An object wants to mantain its state of motion because it has what?

This is Newton's First Law of Motion. Objects in motion stay in motion because of inertia (refer to the law of inertia for additional help).

How do physicists help governments?

They provide governments with reliable information (Apex)

Do proximity sensors help keep my home safe at night?

No. Proximity sensors are generally used to detect objects, not people. Motion sensors use a different technology.

Why do people study newton's laws of motion?

Engineers and Scientists use Newton's laws and their resulting equations, in order to help predict the motion of objects on the macroscopic level. They use them to predict where an object will be at a given time under certain initial conditions.

What is the Advantages of a screw?

It can fasten objects and can also help lift objects.

What sentence applies to literary analysis?

Analysis can help a reader understand the writer's choices.

How are the mass of smaller objects is usually measured by?

help help

What is contextual analysis?

Contextual analysis involves examining a situation, text, or piece of data within its broader context to understand its meaning and significance. It considers the influences, interconnections, and factors that shape the subject being analyzed. This approach helps to uncover hidden meanings, insights, and implications that may not be immediately apparent.

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When conducting a SWOT analysis of an organization which question can help management brainstorm for the strengths section of the analysis?
