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If you use warm colors like Red, Orange it would make the objects appear closer than they are

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2mo ago

We use telescopes to make distant objects appear closer and larger. Telescopes use lenses or mirrors to gather and focus light, allowing us to see objects that are far away with greater clarity.

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12y ago

You could use a telescope or a magnifying glass.

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7y ago

A telescope, monocular, or binoculars.

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A telescope

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Q: What do we use to make distant objects appear closer and larger?
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What is a word that means an object that makes distant objects appear nearer and larger?

The word you're looking for is "telescope." Telescopes use lenses or mirrors to magnify distant objects and make them appear closer and clearer for observation.

What is an art technique that creates distance by making closer objects larger?

The art technique you are referring to is called "foreshortening." It involves depicting an object or figure in a picture in depth by making closer objects appear larger and distant objects smaller to create the illusion of depth and perspective.

Why do things appear larger or closer underwater?

Objects appear larger and closer underwater due to the way light bends as it passes from water to air, causing refraction. This distortion in the path of light makes objects underwater seem closer and bigger than they actually are when viewed from the surface.

Does refraction cause objects to appear larger and closer when looking through a mask during a dive?

Yes, refraction can make objects appear larger and closer when looking through a mask underwater. This is due to the bending of light as it passes from water to air, making objects appear closer than they actually are.

If you look underwater are things further away or closer than they appear?

When you look underwater, objects appear closer than they actually are due to the refraction of light. The way light moves through water causes objects to appear closer and larger than they really are, which can make judging distance and size more challenging when viewing objects underwater.

Related questions

What is a definition of telescope?

A telescope is an optical system used to make objects, especially distant objects, appear larger/closer.

What is a word that means an object that makes distant objects appear nearer and larger?

The word you're looking for is "telescope." Telescopes use lenses or mirrors to magnify distant objects and make them appear closer and clearer for observation.

7 A system of drawing based on the idea that closer objects appear larger and distant objects appear smaller?

This concept is known as linear perspective, which is a technique used in art to create depth and realism by making objects closer to the viewer appear larger and objects farther away appear smaller. It is achieved by using converging lines that meet at a vanishing point on the horizon line.

What is an art technique that creates distance by making closer objects larger?

The art technique you are referring to is called "foreshortening." It involves depicting an object or figure in a picture in depth by making closer objects appear larger and distant objects smaller to create the illusion of depth and perspective.

How does a telescope lens make things appear closer?

A telescope lens gathers and focuses light from distant objects, producing an image that appears magnified. By bending and converging the light rays, the lens creates a larger image on the retina of the eye, making objects appear closer and more detailed than they actually are.

Why do things appear larger or closer underwater?

Objects appear larger and closer underwater due to the way light bends as it passes from water to air, causing refraction. This distortion in the path of light makes objects underwater seem closer and bigger than they actually are when viewed from the surface.

How much larger and closer do objects appear underwater and why?

Objects appear larger and closer underwater due to the refraction of light. Light waves bend when they pass from one medium (air) to another (water), causing the underwater object to look magnified and closer than it actually is.

Does refraction cause objects to appear larger and closer when looking through a mask during a dive?

Yes, refraction can make objects appear larger and closer when looking through a mask underwater. This is due to the bending of light as it passes from water to air, making objects appear closer than they actually are.

If you look underwater are things further away or closer than they appear?

When you look underwater, objects appear closer than they actually are due to the refraction of light. The way light moves through water causes objects to appear closer and larger than they really are, which can make judging distance and size more challenging when viewing objects underwater.

A device that makes objects in space seem brighter and closer than they are?

A magnifying lens or telescope could achieve this effect by collecting and focusing more light from distant objects, making them appear brighter and larger. However, there is no device that can truly make objects in space seem closer than they actually are, as distance in space is vast and cannot be physically altered.

What are the five cues that are under monocular cues?

Relative size: Objects closer to us appear larger than objects farther away. Linear perspective: Parallel lines appear to converge as they recede into the distance. Interposition: Objects that block the view of other objects are perceived as closer. Texture gradient: Objects with more distinct texture are perceived as closer. Aerial perspective: Objects in the distance appear less detailed and more blueish in color.

What happens when you look through a convex lens?

When you look through a convex lens, close objects appear larger and farther away, while distant objects appear closer and smaller. This is due to the way the lens refracts light, causing it to converge and focus at a point behind the lens, creating a magnified or reduced image depending on the object's distance.