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Changes in energy in systems

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Q: What does the field of thermodynamics relate to?
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How does thermodynamics relate to energy and power?

Thermodynamics is the branch of science that deal with relations between all forms of energy and power.

How does energy systems relate to other systems?

The second law of thermodynamics states that

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What is the name of the field of study with laws that describe how much energy is transferred to different locations and forms?


How does energy efficiency relate to the first and second law of thermodynamics?

By the first law of thermodynamics, energy is conserved - i.e. the sum of the useful work and the energy lost to heat will equal the energy you started with. The second law states that you will never get 100% energy efficiency.

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Gymnastics may relate to Pakistan because the field of gymnastics is varied so is Pakistan

What is the need of the second law of thermodynamics?

Second law of thermodynamics used for prove of process reversibility, it provide the concept of system loss capability to perform work. Second law of thermodynamics is an effective tools to debunked pseudo-science in the field of perpetual energy (perpetual magnetic generator) and hoax energy saving scam.

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What are the 5 accidental discoveries in the field of physics?

The Five Accidental Discoveries in ''The Field Of Physics'' are as follows:1. X- Rays2. Microwave Oven3. Force Of Gravity4. Thermodynamics/ Second Law of Thermodynamics5. Radioactivity