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Q: What does the giver see that others cannot?
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What does it mean that Jonas can see beyond the giver?

This means that Jonas has the ability to perceive color, emotions, and memories that others in the community cannot, due to the training he received from the Giver. It sets him apart and gives him a unique perspective on the world.

What qualities must a receiver have in The Giver?

A receiver in "The Giver" must possess the qualities of intelligence, resilience, sensitivity, and the ability to see beyond the immediate reality. They need to be able to hold memories that others cannot handle, and have the capacity for deep empathy and understanding of complex emotions.

What are 3 disadvantages of being the receiver in the giver?

Three disadvantages of being the receiver in "The Giver" are: The receiver carries the burden of knowing painful memories and emotions for the community. They cannot share their knowledge and experiences with others. The receiver is isolated and cannot truly connect with others on a deep emotional level.

Why does Jonas in The Giver have pale eyes?

Jonas in "The Giver" has pale eyes because it signifies that he has the capacity to see beyond what others can see. It represents his ability to receive memories and wisdom from the Giver. It sets him apart from the rest of the community and shows that he is chosen for a special role in their society.

What does the giver confirm Jonas is starting to see?

The Giver confirms that Jonas is starting to see beyond what others in the community can see, including understanding colors, feelings, and memories. Jonas is beginning to experience a broader range of emotions and perceptions that were previously suppressed in their controlled society.

What does other people say about Jonas in The Giver?

Other people in The Giver see Jonas as intelligent, brave, and compassionate. They admire him for his ability to see beyond the limits of their society and question the status quo. Some view him as a threat to the established order, while others see him as a potential source of change and hope.

What happen to the apple in the giver?

In The Giver, all the people of the community are color blind, but since Jonas is The Giver, he can see colors. What happened to the apple was that he was able to see the color red.

What does the capacity to see beyond mean in the giver?

In "The Giver," the capacity to see beyond refers to the ability to perceive things that others cannot, such as colors, emotions, and memories of the past. It represents a deeper level of awareness and understanding in a society that suppresses these aspects to maintain control over its citizens. This ability is given to the Receiver of Memory to help guide the community and preserve its history.

When approach a blind curve to warn others that cannot see you coming?

honk your horn

When you are approaching A blind curve to warn others that cannot see you coming what?

honk your horn

What is the job of the elders the giver?

their job is to assign jobs and to observe others

In the giver what is the job of the Elders?

their job is to assign jobs and to observe others