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Q: What energy-releasing pathways requires oxygen aerobic anerobic Fermentation or Photolysis?
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Why are the fermentation pathways referred to as ''anerobic'' pathways?

You must learn terminology. The word anaerobic means without oxygen. They do not or can not use oxygen. The reaction that doesn't use oxygen produces less energy than ones that can use oxygen.

Why are the fermentation pathways referred to as anaerobic' pathways?

Because fermentation does not require oxygenl its not because it isbecause they dont need oxygen to further break downDick

What is the chemical pathways in photosyentiss called?

fermentation or glycolysis

What are pathways of cellular respiration?

Glycolysis and Fermentation (Lactic Acid and Alcoholic).

What are 2 pathways of respiration?

Glycolysis and fermentation

What is difference between glycolysis and fermentation?

Fermentation is anaerobic respiration. Glycolysis is part of aerobic respiration. The pathways for both processes, however, are almost identical to each other.

What are metabolic pathways?

Answer photosynthesis respiration breakdown of actin in muscles alcohol fermentation it on one these idk da correct answer

What metabolic pathways anabolic?

Answer photosynthesis respiration breakdown of actin in muscles alcohol fermentation it on one these idk da correct answer

What are two pathways that might follow glycolysis?

Anabolic and Catabolic Pathways ,Catabolismbreaks down organic matter, for example to harvest energy in Cellular_respiration. Anabolismuses energy to construct components of cells such as Proteinand Nucleic_acid.

Is fermentation a form of respiration or photosynthesis?

No; fermentation is an alternative metabolic pathway to respiration, not photosynthesis. Both processes (photosynthesis and respiration) have alternative pathways depending on conditions.

What is a side effect of lactic acid fermentation in humans?

Lactic acid fermentation occurs during heavy exercising. The lactic acid builds up in the muscle cells and disrupts metabolic pathways. This causes you to feel a soreness in the muscles.

Why organisms that have an ETC as well as fermentation pathways almost never ferment pyruvate if the electron acceptor required by the ETC is available?

Fermentation is extremely inefficient in terms of the number of ATP molecules produced for each molecule of glucose metabolized