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just say you hate physics or you wouldnt be looking this answer up. i did the same thing and was asked to answer it rather than finding he anser on this site!

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The conversion of mass into heat.

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Q: What form of energy is produced when Uranium-235 undergoes fission?
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What is the form of nuclear energy?

Nuclear energy as used in power plants results from fission of uranium235 and plutonium239

Atomic energy is the energy of heat mass or fluorescence?

Atomic energy is produced when atoms of uranium235 or other fissile material split, or undergo fission. It is nothing to do with fluorescence, and I don't understand 'heat mass'

What is nuclear fission energy?

Nuclear Fission Energy is energy that is produced using fissionable elements. The most common is Uranium. Fission energy involves the fission heating water and turning a turbine, much like coal.

Did the energy that is stored in fossil fuels come from fission or fusion reactions from the sun?

Not fission. The sun's energy is produced by nuclear fusion, and that energy produced all the vegetation which turned into fossil fuel.

Nuclear energy is an alternate energy produced by?

The fission of uranium-235 nuclei

What is an alternate energy source produced from the fission of uranium atoms?

This form of energy is the nuclear energy.

How do neutrons electrons and protons relate to nuclear energy?

These are the constituents of atoms. Nuclei are made up of protons and neutrons. Useful nuclear energy is only obtained from a few nuclei which can be made to fission and release energy. The two main ones are Uranium235 and Plutonium239.

True or false the energy from nuclear fission is released as heat?

Heat is produced by the recoil (kinetic energy) of the fission fragments, when they are stopped in the fuel material

What are some advantages of producing energy through fission?

Amount of energy produced is very large. This energy can be utilised.

How is the energy produced by nuclear fission used?

- to obtain electrical energy - to obtain thermal energy - to obtain bombs

How is nuclear energy produced from uranium and plutonium?

The fission energy is transformed in heat and heat is transformed in electricity.

How is the sun an example of nuclear energy?

The sun's energy is produced by nuclear fusion (not fission) at the core of the sun.