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Particles or electromagnetic radiation are emitted.

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Particles or electromagnetic radiation are emitted.

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Q: What happens when an unstable nucleus undergoes radioactive decay?
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What is a nucleus that is unstable and undergoes decay?

Atomic nuclei that are unstable and decaying are said to be radioactive. Radioactive decay involves alpha, beta and gamma particle emissions.

What happens to a nucleus of an unstable atom?

the unstable nucleus will decay into smaller, stable particles.

What is An unstable isotope is called what?

It isn't really an ELEMENT that is unstable, but an ISOTOPE. That means that in general, for the same element, some atoms will decay, and some will not - the difference being the number of neutrons in the nucleus.

What happens during radioactive decay apex?

An unstable nucleus loses particles until it becomes stable.

When an unstable magnesium nucleus undergoes gamma decay the nucleus formed is that of what?


What is radioactive in physics?

the unstable nucleus of an atom

What do you call an element with unstable nucleus?

Radioactive isotope, or radioisotope.

What terms best describes the nucleus of a radioactive element?


What does the unstable nucleus of an atom give off during radioactive decay?

An unstable nucleus (radioactive isotope) may emit: alpha particles, beta particles, gamma radiations, electrons, positrons, X-rays, and neutrons, depending on which nucleus is doing the emitting.

What atom undergoes radioactive decay what is actually split or affected the most?


What are the characteristics of a atom?

A radioactive atom is an atom of an element with an unstable nucleus.

What makes americium radioactive?

Because the nucleus of americium is heavy and unstable.