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Energy is either absorbed or released. If the electron goes from a high energy orbital to a lower energy one, a photon is emitted. When a photon is absorbed, the electron goes from low energy to high.

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2mo ago

When electrons change energy levels within an atom, they either absorb energy to move to a higher energy level (excitation) or release energy to move to a lower energy level (emission). This results in the emission or absorption of light with specific wavelengths corresponding to the energy difference between the levels.

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15y ago

First, in order for an electron in an atom to change energy levels, there must be a place for it in the new energy levels. Quantum Mechanics puts very strict rules on how many electrons can be in the same energy level. Assuming there is a place for it, then it is very likely to move into a lower energy level. It is not possible for it to move into a higher energy level unless something from the outside comes in and knocks it up. There is no way to predict when an electron will drop down into a lower energy level. When something like a photon comes in from the outside and knocks the electron into a higher level, it usually drops back down pretty quickly, but not necessarily.

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15y ago

From the theory of Quantum Mechanics an electron has a probability of being anywhere at any energy (this is why people talk about an "electron cloud" surrounding the nucleous). However, when a measurement is made the electron is always found to be in one energy level or the other. For example, if you measure the light emitted, it always comes from an electron changing from level 2 to level 1 (or other allowed energy levels) but never from, say level 1.5 to level 1. It is believed that the act of measurement forces the electron into one of the energy levels.

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12y ago

When an electron changes it's energy level it reaches it's exciting state by the absorption of energy and when it comes back to it's original energy level or ground state it release energy.


when light fall on a metal surface electron of the metal absorb light and go to higher energy level exciting state and reaches at exciting state and when it fall to it's original energy level it release energy ans seems to be shined.

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12y ago

No, electron energy levels are discrete energy levels quantized according to (l(l+1)(h-bar)2)/2I=K

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11y ago

In the first max of 2 electrons and the second max of 8 electrons.

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13y ago

never, those are forbidden energy states.

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Yes, atoms can change energy levels by absorbing or emitting energy in the form of light or heat. This process is known as electronic transitions. When an atom absorbs energy, its electrons move to higher energy levels, and when it emits energy, its electrons move to lower energy levels.

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Yes, electrons can change energy levels or rings in an atom by absorbing or releasing photons with specific amounts of energy. This process is known as electron excitation or electron relaxation. Electrons can jump to higher energy levels by absorbing energy, or drop to lower energy levels by emitting energy.

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Is the electrons farther from the nucleus?

Yes, electrons in higher energy levels are farther from the nucleus compared to electrons in lower energy levels. This is due to the increased energy of electrons in higher energy levels.

What are the energy levels of an atom occupied by?

An atom's energy levels are occupied by electrons. Electrons occupy the energy levels, or electron shells, in order of increasing energy. The lowest energy level is filled first before electrons move to higher energy levels.

What happens to individual atoms when there is a chemical change?

Gain, or loss, or sharing of electrons with other atoms.

What does the electron produce when they change energy levels?

When electrons change energy levels, they emit light or energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation. This emitted light can have specific frequencies or colors, depending on the difference in energy levels that the electron undergoes.

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He said that electrons can become excited and begin to hop energy levels; when this happens an electron is in the excited state.

When electrons move to lower levels they lose energy?

When electrons move to lower energy levels within an atom, they release energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation. This energy is emitted as photons in various wavelengths depending on the change in energy levels.