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look it up on ple.platoweb.comC: The brightness of the bulb would decrease.

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Q: What happens when the amplitude of a wave becomes smaller?
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What happens when the amplitude of a light wave decreases?

It becomes weaker.

What happens to the amplitude of the wave if the energy increases?

what happens to the amplitude of a wave when the energy increases

What is The part of a sound wave that you hear as loudness?

Amplitude. As the amplitude of the sound wave increases, the sound becomes louder.

How many value of amplitude are there in one wavelength of a wave and how is the amplitude related to the energy of a wave?

-- Frequency and wavelength are inversely proportional. Their product is constant, and is the speed of the wave. They're entirely unrelated to amplitude or energy. -- A wave with greater amplitude carries more energy than one with smaller amplitude does. -- IF your wave happens to be an electromagnetic one, THEN the energy carried by each quantum is proportional to the frequency.

When the amplitude of a wave gets smaller and smaller as it passes through a material?

That means that part of the wave is absorbed by the material.

What happens to a wave when you decrease the wave length?

When you shorten the wave length, you increase the amplitude.

What usually happens to the amplitude of the vibration of a circular water wave as it spreads out?

You would expect the Amplitude to DECREASE as the wave spreads out.

What happens to the wave and color of the wave when you increase or decrease the amplitude?

You seem to be talking about a light wave. If you increase the amplitude the light gets brighter, and if you decrease it gets dimmer. Amplitude has no effect on colour.

What happens to the wave and the color of the wave when you increase or decrease the amplitude?

You seem to be talking about a light wave. If you increase the amplitude the light gets brighter, and if you decrease it gets dimmer. Amplitude has no effect on colour.

What happens to the wave and the color of the wave when you increase or decrease amplitude?

You seem to be talking about a light wave. If you increase the amplitude the light gets brighter, and if you decrease it gets dimmer. Amplitude has no effect on colour.

Waves with the greater amplitudes carry MORE OR LESS energy than waves with smaller amplitudes?

Wave with higher amplitude carry more energy than wave with lower amplitude. For simple consideration, no amplitude is no wave and thus no energy but just a flat surface of water. Wave with amplitude must have higher energy than the no wave.

What property of a sound wave governs its pitch its loudness its quality?

amplitude The amplitude of a sound wave determines its loudness or volume. A larger amplitude means a louder sound, and a smaller amplitude means a softer sound.