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Component wavelengths are usually present in radio active decay in a form of light, but you could use an Electric Guitar, using the amp as a transformer of vibrations to electricity to vibration/ lights

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Q: What instrument disperses light into its component wavelengths using a prism?
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What instrument will measure the wavelengths of light absorbed by a solution?

Google a Spectrophotometer

Instrument that separates light into various wavelengths?

This is called a Spectroscope, or Spectrometer.

What is a piece of glass that disperses a beam of white light into its component colors?

That could be a prism, or a lens with a serious chromatic aberration problem.

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A map making instrument that reads wavelengths of red light green light and infrared energy?

remote sensing

What is a map making instrument that reads wavelengths of red light green light and infrared energy?

Landsat satellite

What is map making instrument that reads wavelengths of red light green light and infrared energy?

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What instrument can breakdown electromagnetic light?

All light is electromagnetic. A spectrometer is the name of the tool that breaks down light into its individual wavelengths.

How are wavelengths of light detected?

Spectroscopy originated through the study of visible light dispersed by a prism according to its wavelength. An instrument called a spectrometer is used in spectroscopy for producing spectral lines and measuring their wavelengths and intensities.

Can you split white light by passing through it through a prison?

You can split white light into a spectrum of its component wavelengths by passing it through a prism, not a prison.

When white light passes through a triangular prism it changes?

When white light passes through a prism it separates into its component wavelengths that we observe as colours.

What happen to the light which is not transmitted?

it disperses