

What is a eletroscope?

Updated: 5/21/2024
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10y ago

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An electroscope is an early scientific instrument. It is used to detect and measure electricity or an electric charge on a body.

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2mo ago

An electroscope is a scientific instrument used to detect the presence and magnitude of electric charge. It typically consists of a metal rod with a lightweight metal foil attached that can move in response to electric charges. By observing the movement of the metal foil, one can determine the presence and polarity of electric charge.

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What balances the electric force of repulsion so that the leaves donot separate further when eletroscope is charged?

The force of gravity acting on the leaves of the electroscope counteracts the electric force of repulsion, preventing the leaves from separating further. At a certain point, the electrostatic force and gravitational force reach equilibrium, keeping the leaves in a stable position without further separation.

How do you use gold leaf eletroscope to indentify conductors and insulators?

To use a gold leaf electroscope to identify conductors and insulators, first bring the electroscope close to the material in question. If the gold leaf deflects (spreads apart), the material is a conductor because it allows the flow of charge. If the gold leaf remains unaffected, the material is an insulator because it does not allow the flow of charge.

How would you define gold heat eletroscope?

A gold-leaf electroscope is a device that detects electric charges. It consists of thin gold leaves attached to a conductor that can be charged. When the leaves are charged, they repel each other due to electrostatic forces. This device is commonly used in physics experiments to detect the presence of electric charges.

Describe with the help of diagram an instrument which can be used to detect a charged body?

A gold-leaf electroscope is an instrument used to detect a charged body. It consists of two thin gold leaves attached to a metal rod, all housed within a glass-walled container. When a charged body is brought close to the metal rod, the leaves will either repel or attract each other, indicating the presence and type of charge on the body.

Related questions

What does an eletroscope do?

It detects electrostatic charge. (Static electricity).

What balances the electric force of repulsion so that the leaves donot separate further when eletroscope is charged?

The force of gravity acting on the leaves of the electroscope counteracts the electric force of repulsion, preventing the leaves from separating further. At a certain point, the electrostatic force and gravitational force reach equilibrium, keeping the leaves in a stable position without further separation.

How do you use gold leaf eletroscope to indentify conductors and insulators?

To use a gold leaf electroscope to identify conductors and insulators, first bring the electroscope close to the material in question. If the gold leaf deflects (spreads apart), the material is a conductor because it allows the flow of charge. If the gold leaf remains unaffected, the material is an insulator because it does not allow the flow of charge.

How would you define gold heat eletroscope?

A gold-leaf electroscope is a device that detects electric charges. It consists of thin gold leaves attached to a conductor that can be charged. When the leaves are charged, they repel each other due to electrostatic forces. This device is commonly used in physics experiments to detect the presence of electric charges.

Describe with the help of diagram an instrument which can be used to detect a charged body?

A gold-leaf electroscope is an instrument used to detect a charged body. It consists of two thin gold leaves attached to a metal rod, all housed within a glass-walled container. When a charged body is brought close to the metal rod, the leaves will either repel or attract each other, indicating the presence and type of charge on the body.