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In current nuclear power plants, nuclear energy is released when U235 undergoes fission. This energy is not stored, it is used as soon as it is released, to produce electricity.

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1mo ago

Energy stored for use at a later time is often referred to as potential energy. This type of energy can be stored in various forms such as chemical energy in batteries, gravitational potential energy in objects lifted off the ground, or elastic potential energy in stretched rubber bands.

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11y ago

In current nuclear power plants, nuclear energy is released when U235 undergoes fission. This energy is not stored, it is used as soon as it is released, to produce electricity.

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11y ago

Mainly, thermal, chemical, and potential energies.

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14y ago

Nuclear energy can't be stored, though the fuel can, and it will last for many years once manufactured. In that sense it can be regarded as a potential source of energy

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12y ago

in the head

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Q: What is energy stored for use at a later time?
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Energy can not be stored?

Energy can be stored in various forms such as chemical, mechanical, or thermal energy. It is commonly stored in batteries, capacitors, or as potential energy in a raised object. Storing energy allows for its use at a later time when needed.

What 3 ways can energy be stored?

Energy can be stored in batteries, which convert chemical energy into electrical energy. Energy can also be stored in compressed air systems, where air is compressed and stored for later use. Another way to store energy is through gravitational potential energy, where objects are lifted to a higher position to store energy that can later be converted into kinetic energy.

How is wind energy stored and harnessed in a windmill?

Wind energy is harnessed in a windmill by the spinning blades turning a rotor connected to a generator that produces electricity. The electricity can be used immediately or stored in batteries for later use. Wind energy itself cannot be stored, but the generated electricity can be stored for later consumption.

How is wave energy stored for later use?

Wave energy can be stored for later use through the use of various energy storage technologies such as batteries, pumped hydro storage, or compressed air energy storage. These systems capture the energy generated by wave devices and store it until it is needed, allowing for a more consistent and reliable energy supply.

How is the energy source stored once it is recoverd?

Energy sources can be stored in various ways, depending on the type of energy. This can include batteries for electrical energy, pumped hydro or compressed air for mechanical energy, or tanks for storing gases such as hydrogen. Storing energy allows for its use at a later time when needed.

Related questions

Energy can not be stored?

Energy can be stored in various forms such as chemical, mechanical, or thermal energy. It is commonly stored in batteries, capacitors, or as potential energy in a raised object. Storing energy allows for its use at a later time when needed.

Does energy have to be used up immediately?

no it doesn't it can be stored in fat or lipids and saved for later

How is solar energy stored for later?

Solar energy can be stored for later use through the use of batteries. When the sun is shining and solar panels are producing more energy than is needed, the excess energy is stored in batteries. These batteries can then be used to power homes or buildings when the sun is not shining or during the night.

How is hydroelectric energy stored for later use?

a capacitor bank

Can the solar energy stored and used when required?

Yes, it can be used to charge batteries. The energy in the battery can be stored for later use.

Where are calories stored in the body?

If you eat too many calories, instead of using them for energy your body stores the energy as fat to use at a later time. It is stored in your liver, muscles and fat cells.

What 3 ways can energy be stored?

Energy can be stored in batteries, which convert chemical energy into electrical energy. Energy can also be stored in compressed air systems, where air is compressed and stored for later use. Another way to store energy is through gravitational potential energy, where objects are lifted to a higher position to store energy that can later be converted into kinetic energy.

How is wind energy stored and harnessed in a windmill?

Wind energy is harnessed in a windmill by the spinning blades turning a rotor connected to a generator that produces electricity. The electricity can be used immediately or stored in batteries for later use. Wind energy itself cannot be stored, but the generated electricity can be stored for later consumption.

Where in the body are of the majority of triglycerides stored for future energy needs?

It can be stored in the muscle or adipose tissue as a triglyceride for later use

How is wave energy stored for later use?

Wave energy can be stored for later use through the use of various energy storage technologies such as batteries, pumped hydro storage, or compressed air energy storage. These systems capture the energy generated by wave devices and store it until it is needed, allowing for a more consistent and reliable energy supply.

How is the energy source stored once it is recoverd?

Energy sources can be stored in various ways, depending on the type of energy. This can include batteries for electrical energy, pumped hydro or compressed air for mechanical energy, or tanks for storing gases such as hydrogen. Storing energy allows for its use at a later time when needed.

What happens to the extra energy in your body when you don't use it?

The extra energy in your body is stored as glycogen in your muscles and liver for later use. If your glycogen stores are full, the excess energy is stored as fat in adipose tissue.