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Depends on the surface of the object that the light is projected on. If the object has a polished surface like an inoxidable steel, or the object is a mirror, the light will produce a reflexion or the light comes back when it hits the mirror. Behind any object, is formed a shadow, since such object is not a glass.

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A shadow is formed when an opaque object, (one which does not allow light to pass through), is in the path of light.

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a light will formed

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Q: What is formed when an object which does not allow light to pass through is in the path of light?
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How is an opaque object different from a translucent object in terms of its ability to transmit light?

Opaque objects don't allow light to pass through them while translucent objects slow the passage of light but ultimately allow it to pass through.

Shadows are formed because light travels in?

Shadows are formed because when light hits an object, it does not pass through it. Light going around the edge of the object fills in the light void a bit, but it does not make up for the missing light.

Can you see through a opaque object?

No, that is what opaque means. Light does not go through an opaque object. An object that is translucent will allow light through, but is opaque enough to keep you from seeing clearly through it (think about frosted glass used for bathroom windows). Transparent is "see through".

Are shadows are formed when light passes through a transparent object?

No. Well not through like windows, but maybe through an empty water bottle.

What are shadow?

shadow is a black areashadow is formed when a opaque object is come in the path of lightWhen light passes through opaque object, some of it would be blocked and form a shaedow.The shadow is formed according to the shape of the object as light moves in straight line.When light source is blocked by an opaque /translucent object a black spot is formed on the opposite side of the light source ...that black spot is called shadow.CHARACTERISTICS OF SHADOWS?black in colour .?outline of structure of the object.?size depends upon the light source and the object.?always forms on the opposite side of the light source .

What is created when an object blocks the light?

If the light is strong enough, a shadow is formed. But if that object is a cloud, a rainbow may be formed.

What causes a shadow to form?

An object (Materials) that does not allows anylight to pass through will form a shaddow:Eg.- Opaque ( Can't let any light to pass through)- Translucent (Allows a little bit of light to pass through)If you want to make sure Im correct do this experiment:Instruments:- A Cloth ( Opaque)- A torch- A Tracing paper ( Translucent)- A screenPlaces to do:- A dark roomHow to do? :- Use your torch and shone on the cloth facing on the screen, what will you see?- Use your torch and shone on the tracing paper on the screen, what will you see?You will see an unclear shadow and a clear shdow on the screen! You may also add one more item a Transparent object! You will see I'm quite correct...Shadows are formed by light, because if light shines onto an object, and the object blocks the light, the light will go sideways of the object, and therefore, a shadow is formed.Light can only travel in straight lines. If light is coming from one main source, then an object that does not allow light to pass through it, will have an absence of light behind it, i.e.a shadow.

Is a book an translucent object?

A book isn't translucent, it's opaque.A transparent object allows most of the light to pass through it allowing us to see through clearly through it.A translucent object allows some of the light to pass through it allowing us to see through it to a limited extent.An opaque object allows no light to pass through it and does not allow us to see through it at all.

What word describes an object that allows some light through?

Transparent objects allow the complete passage of light. No light goes through an opaque object. Between these two extremes, objects are said to be translucent.

Is a shadow formed by light trying to through a solid object?

A shadow is formed when the light can not pass through the object, so a patch of darkness is left behind the object where not much light can reach.This is because the light is either absorbed or reflected by the object.However, some light often still reaches shadowed areas because light is reflected off of other objects nearby, onto the shadow. This is why shadows are not always 100% darkness.

What is formed when light is blocked by and opaque object?

A shadow is formed when light is blocked by an opaque object.

How is a shadow formed?

A shadow is formed when light is blocked by an object.