No, 1000 bricks weigh significantly more than 1000 feathers because bricks are denser and heavier than feathers. The weight of an object depends on its mass and gravity's force acting on the object, so the weight of an object can vary based on the material it is made of.
10000 grams of bricks have a greater mass than 10000 grams of feathers because bricks are denser and heavier than feathers. Weight depends on the mass and the force of gravity acting on an object, so in this case, both would weigh the same.
This question has been answered to death on this website! To cut a long story short... Given that a ton of feathers and a ton of bricks are of equal mass, but differing volume (the feathers are much less dense, and thus more volumous):Assuming they are measured at the same location on Earth, the ton of feathers would displace more air (a fluid), creating greater upthrust, thus causing them to weigh less.So, a ton of bricks is heavier than a ton of feathers. (on Earth)
Both the pound of feathers and the pound of bricks weigh the same amount, which is one pound. Weight is a measure of force due to gravity, so if they both weigh one pound, they are equal.
a pound of bricks. Air can flow through the feathers so that causes it to float down. feathers don,t fall. they glide. but everything falls at the same speed. i cant remember what you call the air flowing though the feather but i know it cause im in sixth grade. If you drop both of them in space, then they will fall at the same time. Even though their mass is different, there is no air resistance in space. Air resistance is the force that is like acting against gravity. In Earth, there is air resistance, so in the case of the feather, there is more air resistance acting upon it than the gravity. That is why it falls slower than the pound of bricks.
They both weigh one pound, but the volume of a pound of feathers will be much larger than the volume of a pound of bricks due to the difference in density. The bricks will be more compact and heavy, while the feathers will be lighter and fluffier.
They can be - it depends on how many bricks, how much cheese and how many feathers.
a kilogram of bricks
A pound of bricks and a pound of feathers weigh the same because they both weigh one pound. The difference lies in their volume, with bricks being denser and taking up less space compared to feathers.
2 pounds is 2 pounds, whether it is bricks or feathers.
The rain fell down like a tun of bricks
1Ib of bricks.
It takes alot more feathers to equal a kilogram than it does bricks
a pound is a pound is a pound!!!a pound of anything always weighs a pound doesn't matter if it is feathers or bricks!!!
Bricks have more density whereas feathers have less comparatively. Space occupied ie volume = mass/ density. So space occupied is inversely related to the density. Hence feathers occupy more space than the bricks.
Cheese bricks, obviously. Actualy if it's a pound of cheese, a pound of bricks, or a pound of feathers they al way the same,, no matter how much it seems that a pound of feathers is the lightest,,there all 1 pound! ^_^
please help me that depends whether the feathers were in a dense form like the bricks, if not then the bricks would definetly make it down faster